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VEVOR 8-IN-1 Monitor kvality vzduchu Merač vlhkosti PM1.0/2.5/10 HCHO TVOC VEVOR 8-IN-1 Monitor kvality vzduchu Merač vlhkosti PM1.0/2.5/10 HCHO TVOC VEVOR 8-IN-1 Monitor kvality vzduchu Merač vlhkosti PM1.0/2.5/10 HCHO TVOC VEVOR 8-IN-1 Monitor kvality vzduchu Merač vlhkosti PM1.0/2.5/10 HCHO TVOC VEVOR 8-IN-1 Monitor kvality vzduchu Merač vlhkosti PM1.0/2.5/10 HCHO TVOC VEVOR 8-IN-1 Monitor kvality vzduchu Merač vlhkosti PM1.0/2.5/10 HCHO TVOC VEVOR 8-IN-1 Monitor kvality vzduchu Merač vlhkosti PM1.0/2.5/10 HCHO TVOC

VEVOR 8-IN-1 Monitor kvality vzduchu Merač vlhkosti PM1.0/2.5/10 HCHO TVOC

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Bežný typ

  • Profesionálny typ
  • Mini model
  • Bežný typ


  • Typ pracovnej dosky
  • Handheld

O tejto položke

  • Inteligentná detekcia: Tento multifunkčný detektor 8 v 1 komplexne monitoruje rôzne parametre kvality ovzdušia: AQI, PM1.0, PM2.5, PM10, TVOC, HCHO, vlhkosť a teplotu, pričom chráni každý váš nádych v reálnom čase.
  • Monitorovanie v reálnom čase: Na rozdiel od bežných detektorov má naše zariadenie viacfarebný zdravotný index a prevzorkuje každých 1,5 sekundy, aby poskytovalo najnovšie údaje v reálnom čase. Keď hladina HCHO prekročí ≥0,1 mg/m³, vydá zvukový alarm, čím zaistí neustálu ochranu vášho zdravia dýchacích ciest.
  • Presná detekcia: Na riešenie rôznych potrieb monitorovania kvality vzduchu je zariadenie vybavené viacerými vysoko presnými nezávislými senzormi: polovodičovými senzormi, elektrochemickými senzormi a technológiou laserového rozptylu v kombinácii s pokročilými algoritmami, ktoré zaisťujú vysoko presné a bezchybné monitorovanie.
  • Displej s vysokým rozlíšením: 2,8” veľký HD displej zobrazuje všetky hodnoty, čas a úroveň nabitia batérie v reálnom čase. Všetky údaje sú plne zobrazené na obrazovke pomocou jediného prepínača na prepínanie jednotiek teploty. Dizajn podsvietenia zaisťuje, že všetky údaje sú jasne viditeľné.
  • Dlhá výdrž batérie: Rozlúčte sa s častým nabíjaním. Kapacita 2 000 mAh je vybavená nabíjateľnou batériou a ponúka až 8 hodín nepretržitého používania a funkciu automatického vypnutia. Keď je batéria takmer vybitá, jednoducho ju nabite, čím sa eliminuje potreba výmeny batérie a podporuje sa energetická účinnosť a šetrnosť k životnému prostrediu.

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VEVOR 8-IN-1 Monitor kvality vzduchu Merač vlhkosti PM1.0/2.5/10 HCHO TVOC
Bežný typ Handheld
Váš strážca čistého vzduchu, kedykoľvek a kdekoľvek.
Tento multifunkčný detektor kvality vzduchu monitoruje PM2,5, PM10, TVOC, HCHO, vlhkosť a teplotu v reálnom čase. Je vybavený veľkou farebnou HD obrazovkou pre okamžité aktualizácie a obsahuje nabíjateľnú lítiovú batériu s nabíjacím káblom typu C pre neobmedzenú a komplexnú detekciu kedykoľvek.
Vybavený viacfarebnými indikátormi, farba displeja sa mení podľa úrovne znečistenia ovzdušia, vďaka čomu je prehľadný a intuitívny.
Detektor kvality ovzdušia vydá okamžitý zvukový alarm, keď sa dosiahnu špecifikované hodnoty, pričom poskytuje výstrahy v reálnom čase na zaistenie bezpečnosti ovzdušia.
Navrhnuté s viacerými prívodmi vzduchu na výrazné zvýšenie cirkulácie vzduchu, čím sa zabezpečí presnejšia detekcia kvality vzduchu. Vyrobené z odolného ABS materiálu pre dlhodobé používanie.
Náš detektor kvality vzduchu zobrazuje všetky údaje na celej obrazovke spolu s časom a úrovňou batérie. Dizajn podsvietenia zaisťuje čistotu aj v noci.


-10°C - 50°C (14°F - 122°F)
20%-85% Presnosť
Zobrazenie času
Zobrazenie stavu batérie
Prahové hodnoty alarmu
2,8-palcový farebný LCD displej
Citlivosť vzorkovania
Čistá hmotnosť (so všetkým príslušenstvom)
0,47 lb / 215 g
Rozmery produktu (D x Š x V)
6,46 x 2,8 x 1,73 palca / 164 x 71 x 44 mm
Otázky a odpovede
2 Otázky
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A tesztelés előtt javasolt a kézikönyvben leírtak szerint kalibrálni és visszaállítani. A tesztértéket a szoftver közvetlenül le tudja olvasni. Javasoljuk, hogy a tesztet a kalibrálás után 15 percen belül fejezze be.
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Hodnotenia zákazníkov

5 recenzie
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DynomiteWins DynomiteWins
Clear and informative
Really easy to use, it's basically plug in and give it a few minutes to calibrate and then it's ready to read. It has been accurate as far as I can tell when comparing it to my other CO2 monitors and it has helped with recent nearby forest fires to give us a good indication of when we need to shut windows and doors even before we get the air quality alerts. It does hold a charge long enough that you can move it around, but it doesn't last unplugged for very long, so you likely will want to have it set up somewhere that it can plug in regularly. The instructions say you don't want to leave it running all the time because the sensors could become less sensitive, but we haven't had an issue and being able to tell in advance that certain air pollutants are on the rise before they get to the point of irritation is really important to us.
Perfect handheld air quality monitor
This is a really neat lightweight but not cheap feeling light air monitor. The display is very easy to use and you can see everything you would want to see about the air around you within seconds the controls are simple and easy to manage. Would recommend for those with air quality sensitivity as this could be that extra tool in managing or planning your outdoor activities
L. R. A. L. R. A.
Nice to have
I was curious about the air quality inside the home as someone who has asthma among other problems. I don't have equipment to verify its accuracy but it's nice to have a ballpark figure for microparticles and CO2 levels. Calibration was simple, involving keeping it in an airy location for a few minutes. The battery lasts quite a while if you can't keep it plugged in at all times (or if you only need to monitor for part of the day.
Michael Pramann Michael Pramann
Works Good
It seems to work really good. I know nothing about air quality measurements or readers but I got this to try out and it works great. I looked up what all the readings are and everything seems to fall into the normal category. Just the AC coming on changes the readings and when I was cooking. It is nice knowing the air in my house is good for my family. The display is cool looking and easy to read and I like the fact that I can bring it anywhere because it's wireless. The biggest cons are the battery life and the bright screen at night for me. I wish the battery lasted like 5 days. It seems to not even last 2. I also wish that the screen could be dimmed. I couldn't find a way or setting to do that. It also seems like when plugged in the temp is higher. It would have been nice to just always leave it plugged in for the temp and humidity reading but my house is always the same depending of the season. I just want to see it. I gave it 5 stars because it does exactly what it is supposed to and it made me excited being able to see so many air quality measurements in my house. It does seem a bit pricey to me now so maybe see if cheaper option would work for you first.
Scubed Scubed
Cool for allergy/asthmatic households, easy-read display
We live in an area where the air quality is frequently significantly impacted by wildfires within a few hundred miles, and everyone in the household has asthma and allergies to some degree. Usually, these sorts of devices are in the several hundred dollars price range, and sync with an app and are part of a community and all this stuff. This one doesn't have those extra features of app connectivity, but it tells all the same information for a fraction of the price. It's easy to read for anyone, and has intuitive information presentation for those who don't know specific HCHO, TVOC, Pm2.5/10 etc. with the 'AQI good-poor' scale, which is also color coded. We're also a household who really likes to leave doors and windows open for air circulation, but keep a close eye on the air quality to know when to close up. Frequently, the two nearest air stations to us have conflicting information, so this makes it really handy to see what the info is for exactly where we are. Charges easily with standard usb-c cable, and super easy to set up and just use. Haven't even tried to change the clock because theres clocks everywhere, so we just use it for its other functions. Quite like, and now the family checks here to inform our indoor/outdoor activities.

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