I’ve borrowed my neighbors dethatcher for the last 2 yrs. I finally decided to just buy one for myself. The general design is the same for all tow behind dethatchers. This is built pretty solid. For something you’ll use once a year, it will probably last my lifetime (as long as I store it in my garage). I’ll need to find some room though because it doesn’t break down easily. Give yourself 3hrs to assemble. Most of which is squinting, swearing, grabbing a few drinks, and zooming in on photos online. Like all the other reviews, the instructions are garage. (I’m a licensed engineer and work in construction)… none of that matters once you open the box and start the adventure. In the end, you’ll get it. For the price ($55 on sale). It’s well worth it. Don’t bother getting the more expensive versions unless you purely want better written instructions. Get this one and save some cash.