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VEVOR 88 Key Folding Keyboard Piano Bærbart Foldbart Piano Bluetooth MIDI Sort VEVOR 88 Key Folding Keyboard Piano Bærbart Foldbart Piano Bluetooth MIDI Sort VEVOR 88 Key Folding Keyboard Piano Bærbart Foldbart Piano Bluetooth MIDI Sort VEVOR 88 Key Folding Keyboard Piano Bærbart Foldbart Piano Bluetooth MIDI Sort VEVOR 88 Key Folding Keyboard Piano Bærbart Foldbart Piano Bluetooth MIDI Sort VEVOR 88 Key Folding Keyboard Piano Bærbart Foldbart Piano Bluetooth MIDI Sort VEVOR 88 Key Folding Keyboard Piano Bærbart Foldbart Piano Bluetooth MIDI Sort

VEVOR 88 Key Folding Keyboard Piano Bærbart Foldbart Piano Bluetooth MIDI Sort

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88 nøgler

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Om denne vare

  • Ultratyndt og foldbart design: Vores 88-tangenters bærbare klaverkeyboard har en ultratynd krop og et 180° foldbart, let design, hvilket gør det utroligt nemt at opbevare og bære. Med et indbygget genopladeligt lithiumbatteri understøtter den langvarig brug, perfekt til at tage med, uanset hvor du går.
  • 128 standardtoner, nem undervisning: Lås op for musikkens verden med vores foldbare keyboardpianos evne til at producere 128 forskellige toner og internationale standardrytmer sammen med 21 demo-sange. Fra klassisk til moderne, og alt derimellem, kan du spille forskellige instrumentlyde direkte fra keyboardet. Perfekt til at udforske forskellige musikalske genrer og stilarter!
  • Realistisk klaverspiloplevelse: Oplev vores foldbare klaver med trykfølsomme tangenter, som leverer et autentisk klaverlignende fingertryk og tangentdybde, suppleret med klaverklistermærker til forbedrede fingerøvelser. Ideel til alle, der ønsker at forbedre deres færdigheder og nyde at spille.
  • Immersive Surround Sound: Vores foldbare klaverkeyboard har to-kanals stereohøjttalere, der giver rige og lagdelte toner, der trofast gengiver hele spektret af musikalske nuancer. Oplev naturtro lydkvalitet med præcise høje og dybe nedture.
  • MIDI-funktionalitet &Bluetooth 5.0-forbindelse: Forbind ubesværet til dine enheder for problemfri musikredigering. Brug Bluetooth 5.0 til trådløs forbindelse med apps som Pop Piano og GarageBand, hvilket forbedrer din læring og kreative oplevelse. Bemærk: Du kan oprette forbindelse til en computer via strømkablet og til en telefon via Bluetooth.

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VEVOR 88 Key Folding Keyboard Piano Bærbart Foldbart Piano Bluetooth MIDI Sort
88 nøgler Sort Uden stativ
Klaverkeyboard, der kan foldes med 88 tangenter, din perfekte musikledsager
Vores bærbare klaver har et ultratyndt og 180° foldbart design. Tilslut via Bluetooth, MIDI eller USB for at nyde musik via din smartphone eller hovedtelefoner når som helst og hvor som helst! Dyk ned i en verden af ​​musik med 128 toner og internationale standardrytmer, stereohøjttaler og LED digitalt display!
Med 128 toner giver dette foldbare keyboardklaver dig mulighed for at spille en bred vifte af instrumentlyde direkte fra keyboardet. Layoutet med 88 tangenter, kombineret med pedal- og sustainfunktioner, leverer en autentisk klaveroplevelse, hvilket gør det til et ideelt værktøj til musikundervisning og -læring.
Lås op for dit musikalske potentiale med alsidige tilslutningsmuligheder. Vores foldbare klaverkeyboard har MIDI-funktionalitet og Bluetooth 5.0-forbindelse, hvilket sikrer effektiv transmission for ubesværet musikredigering.
Med et dedikeret hovedtelefonstik kan du øve vores bærbare keyboardklaver uden at forstyrre andre. Derudover lader mikrofonindgangen dig spille på et bærbart klaverkeyboard og synge med, hvilket gør dine sessioner endnu mere dynamiske og fornøjelige.
Oplev klarhed lige ved hånden med vores klare LED-skærm. Nyd optagelse, afspilning, sustain, akkordtilstand, demo-sange og nøgletransponeringsfunktioner – alt sammen let tilgængeligt via det intuitive kontrolpanel for problemfri betjening.


Antal nøgler
1/4 tommer (3,5 mm) Sustain Pedal Port,
1/4 tommer (3,5 mm) lydindgangsport,
1/4 tommer (3,5 mm) hovedtelefonport,
1/4 tommer (3,5 mm) mikrofonport,
Type-C opladning/MIDI-transmission
49,6 x 8,3 x 2,8 tommer/1260 x 210 x 70 mm
11,1 lbs/5,02 kg
Spørgsmål og svar
4 Spørgsmål
Can the led be disabled
You can long-press the metronome button to turn off the LED.
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can i disable the led on the keyboard
Long press the metronome to turn off or on the keyboard light. The keyboard light is automatically turned on by default.
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Hi! Is it possible to play when it is folded halfway, for instance, if you want to play in tight spaces like on a train?
This is not recommended.
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Hello, i would like to ask if i can connect this keybord to my computer via a usb port and play as midi in a daw Thanks
You can connect this keyboard to my computer via a usb port.
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kunde anmeldelser

11 Anmeldelse(r)
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Lau Lau
This piano is perfect for traveling, even though the sound isn’t the best in the world. But you can’t complain considering the price and quality, and I was very surprised that the key sensitivity was quite good. There is a spring in the keys that provides resistance when playing. I had to pay customs fees when picking up the item, but I just contacted customer service, and they refunded the money immediately. Quick response from customer service 👍🏻👍🏻!
Mike Ray Mike Ray
Ok so yes from a musician's standpoint it's not a Yamaha or any other fancy brand but you pay for what you get. For all the features it has and it's lightweight easy to store I love it!! The sound is a little bit low sounding but for the price I will not complain !!! Great product!
Terry Terry
Good keyboard, good plastic, resisted keys, good extras, but the quality of sound should be better. Plugging to GarageBand through Bluetooth is awful, the sound has a delay. I'll try plugging through a USB cable and se if it works. Overall, good cost-benefit.
Melissa Melissa
Good quality for price
My son love this keyboard, he has improved so much his practice with it. Battery last a good bit and the keys sound pretty good
Kevin Markwell Kevin Markwell
Great quality - well packaged
Customer service is exceptional! The professional way they handled the situation, you seldom find today! I would give them my business over and over, because they 100% stand behind their guarantees! I applaud them and their willingness to listen and support their clientele.
Phoebe Phoebe
Very versatile and able to reach all crowds of experiences
Very compact , portable, and engaging. I highly recommend this as a very good purchase
R. G. E. R. G. E.
Great starter keyboard for a small investment
This is a great keyboard for young children or adults who are just starting out and don't know if they're going to commit to the piano. For the price, you get a really compact and convenient keyboard that has a lot of different functions. The sound quality is pretty good for what you pay for, and the white looks really nice on our home.
cindy cindy
Perfect for kids who are learning
This is a great travel keyboard for kids who are just starting to learn to play. It folds up and is very portable, my 9 year old can carry it with no problems. I like that it is rechargeable, as that adds to the portability of it. The sound is great, and I like that it can be turned down, as opposed to a regular piano. It also has a headphone jack, but it would be nice to see a version that connects using Bluetooth someday. Overall, I think this is a very impressive keyboard.
Dario Xavier Salas Dario Xavier Salas
Excellent portable piano. Folds and comes in a neat package
This piano folds in half, but provides a good keyboard and delivers consistent sound. It has other modes and can also record beats. It lets you switch the sounds from piano to other instruments as well. It's light and will serve as an excellent portable piano and it's easy to put away if you need to clear it from your workspace.
Mike Mike
Works great
Got this for a friend she loves it so much!

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