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VEVOR 88 Key Fullveid Digital Piano Dual Keyboard Enkel skapbrakett VEVOR 88 Key Fullveid Digital Piano Dual Keyboard Enkel skapbrakett VEVOR 88 Key Fullveid Digital Piano Dual Keyboard Enkel skapbrakett VEVOR 88 Key Fullveid Digital Piano Dual Keyboard Enkel skapbrakett VEVOR 88 Key Fullveid Digital Piano Dual Keyboard Enkel skapbrakett VEVOR 88 Key Fullveid Digital Piano Dual Keyboard Enkel skapbrakett VEVOR 88 Key Fullveid Digital Piano Dual Keyboard Enkel skapbrakett

VEVOR 88 Key Fullveid Digital Piano Dual Keyboard Enkel skapbrakett

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Om denne varen

  • 88 tangenter vektet keyboard: Dette fullvektede digitale pianoet med 88 tangenter har 88 tangenter. Hver tangent er individuelt vektet, og blir gradvis lettere fra bass til diskant, og berøringen på tastaturet er nær berøringen til et akustisk piano, egnet for profesjonelle spillere og avanserte elever, slik at du kan spille himmelsk musikk!
  • Profesjonelt dobbelttastatur: Det digitale pianoets doble tastaturmodus hjelper lærere med å visuelt instruere og demonstrere, slik at elevene direkte kan imitere teknikkene og rytmene for å forbedre læringseffektiviteten. Den er også egnet for duettspilling eller ensembleøving, slik at du kan komme raskere inn i pianoøving.
  • 200 standardtoner: Dette vektede keyboardpianoet kan spille 200 toner, 200 internasjonale standardrytmer og 89 demonstrasjonssanger. Med et tastatur som også kan spille et bredt spekter av instrumenter, kan du utforske en rekke musikalske stiler og sjangre.
  • Stereo surroundlyd: Det elektriske pianoet har innebygde doble høyttalere for å gi deg lagdelte toner. Surroundlydeffekten gjengir den virkelige lydkvaliteten, og hver toneart er individuelt spilt inn og innstilt, uten avvik i tonehøyde, klare høye og lave toner.
  • MIDI- og Bluetooth-overføring: Pianoet med 88 tangenter har flere overføringsmetoder som muliggjør effektiv tilkobling. Utstyrt med lydutgang, mikrofonport, lydinngang, slik at du kan koble til hodetelefoner for oppslukende læring uten å forstyrre naboene dine. Stabilt notestativ for komfortabel lesing. Piano-klistremerker inkludert for å hjelpe raskt å identifisere nøkler.

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VEVOR 88 Key Fullveid Digital Piano Dual Keyboard Enkel skapbrakett
VEVOR 88-tangenters bærbart, fullvektet dobbeltklaviatur
Dette fullvektede digitale pianoet med 88 tangenter har en dobbel tastaturmodus for profesjonelle spillere og kan spille 200 toner. Med innebygde doble høyttalere, MIDI- og Bluetooth-overføringsstøtte, lyd- og mikrofonkontakter kan du koble til hodetelefoner for oppslukende læring og gå inn i musikkens verden!
Det digitale pianoet kan spille effekten av 200 instrumenter. Det er lett for nybegynnere å forstå og forholde seg til ulike instrumenter og beats. Du kan også bruke den til å berike sceneopptredenene dine og lage verk i flere stiler.
Sustain-pedalen som følger med dette vektede keyboardpianoet bidrar til å forlenge varigheten av noter, skape legato-effekter og gjøre den generelle lyden fyldigere og mer tredimensjonal. Dette hjelper utøvere med å utvikle hørselen og følsomheten for musikk.
Det elektriske pianoet støtter bluetooth og MIDI-overføring. Samtidig er det flere grensesnitt, slik at du kan få tilgang til sustain-pedalen, hodetelefoner, mikrofon, datamaskin og så videre, enkelt å redigere og lage musikken din.
Det vektede digitale pianoet med 88 tangenter kommer med et notestativ for å holde notene eller den flate datamaskinen din stabil og behagelig å lese. Hodetelefoner av høy kvalitet isolerer effektivt ekstern støy, slik at du kan fokusere på å fordype deg i musikkens verden!


Antall nøkler
88 (A1 - C9)
Antall rytmer
Antall toner
HIPS plast, tre
Svart og hvit
51,85 x 12,6 x 30,91 tommer / 1317 x 320 x 785 mm
53,13 lbs / 24,1 kg
Spørsmål og svar
2 Spørsmål
Hello, and sorry for the possibly dumb question, but I cannot find the polyphony value for this piano. I read some blogs saying 128 is a kind of minimum a piano shoud have, so does this piano have a reach or have polyphony value of 128?
The polyphony value for this piano is 64.
Claviatura vine cu suportul de lemn sau acesta se achiziționează separat?
Bună ziua, acest produs vine cu un suport de dulap.

Kunde anmeldelser

10 Anmeldelse(r)
Tøm filtre
Irine Irine
The piano is great! Low price, high quality of execution. Wood, keys, super sound - everything corresponds to the description. I am surprised by the low cost of a quality piano. My daughter is delighted and does not stop playing.
Emma Emma
Awesome digital piano
This is a very nice and reasonably-priced digital piano. I visited multiple piano stores and shopped on different websites, and this is the one I decided to go with. I love the feel of the keys, it sounds like a real piano, and I especially love the headset feature. I'm able to play without disturbing others. This digital piano includes a headset and music stand. The only extra item I had to buy was a bench to sit at the piano; other than that, it includes everything you need.
John Smith John Smith
Light-weight, elegant and easy to assemble
This upright electric piano came in a compact box. It came with all the necessary tools to assemble, although, it was important to correctly identify the screws and bolts before assembly (image included with assembly kit). Assembly took less that 20 minutes. Device is an attractive piece of furniture and can be moved around easily with convenient hand holds in frame. Weighted keys feel like a real piano
Sophia Sophia
It is great!
I had been looking for an electric piano for a while. Read so many reviews, watched so many videos and finally settled on this one. I have had it for 4 months and love it. I had a traditional piano but about 15 years ago but sold it. So, I purchased this one to get back into playing. First, it was easy to assemble, probably one person could do it but I did use the help from my husband. Second, it does come with some features but I will not use them as I just wanted the basic piano sound. So, I cannot speak on the features. Third, the sound is really good for an electric piano and I am pleased with the response of the keys. Forth, I love the headphone option! I can play anytime now without worry. If you are looking for a nice basic piano that looks nice in the living room, give this one a try!
Noah Noah
Outstanding piano
I had to write this review to tell the world how great this electronic piano is. Buying pianos online can be a gamble. Hunting through hundreds of reviews, trying to differentiate between dozens of similar-looking models at similar prices. I feel your pain, friend. But if you're reading this review, your hunt is over. This is the piano you've been looking for. Where to start… excellent quality materials make this keyboard feel expensive and luxurious. The sound is pure and exquisite from speakers hidden on the underside. The keys are pressure sensitive, just like a real piano, so the softer you press, the quieter the sound. The wood parts are durable and sleek. I got this as a Christmas gift for a loved one and it was, by far, her favorite present of the holidays. Now, stop reading this and add it to your cart already!
Ava Ava
Very nice piano
Easy to assemble, sounds great and amazing for anyone. Kids are getting a lot of use out of it. Don't buy cheaper than this for a beginner if you want them to have a chance at getting good.
Anna Schmidt Anna Schmidt
It's great
A piano teachers opinion. Its sound is great, the keys are well weighted, the assembly was very easy and the price is great! Definitely recommend it! Five Stars.
Olivia Olivia
My husband bought this for me and I LOVE playing it! The sound is clear and bright! Easy to assemble and can play right away. The keys are easy to push down but not too easy. One person found this helpful
Ben Johnson Ben Johnson
Great quality product
I purchased this for my wife as a birthday gift and we were both extremely happy with the quality, feel of the keys, and the sound! I had originally purchased a similar keyboard from a different seller that kept delaying and never sent it so I cancelled and got this one and even though the shipping estimated a week I received it in the less than 2 days! The product comes with a decent amount of stuff for the money which makes it even more worth it! I love this product!
Isabella Isabella
Good for small space
I don't know anything about music but my children loved it.

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