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VEVOR skladacie dubové sedadlo do sprchy 16,1" x 13,4" nástenná sprchová lavica 440 libier VEVOR skladacie dubové sedadlo do sprchy 16,1" x 13,4" nástenná sprchová lavica 440 libier VEVOR skladacie dubové sedadlo do sprchy 16,1" x 13,4" nástenná sprchová lavica 440 libier VEVOR skladacie dubové sedadlo do sprchy 16,1" x 13,4" nástenná sprchová lavica 440 libier VEVOR skladacie dubové sedadlo do sprchy 16,1" x 13,4" nástenná sprchová lavica 440 libier VEVOR skladacie dubové sedadlo do sprchy 16,1" x 13,4" nástenná sprchová lavica 440 libier VEVOR skladacie dubové sedadlo do sprchy 16,1" x 13,4" nástenná sprchová lavica 440 libier

VEVOR skladacie dubové sedadlo do sprchy 16,1" x 13,4" nástenná sprchová lavica 440 libier

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O tejto položke

  • Prémiový materiál z dubového dreva: Zažite luxus a odolnosť s naším prémiovým nástenným sprchovým sedadlom z dubového dreva. Toto hrubé, hladké teakové drevo, prirodzene odolné voči vode a vlhkosti, zaisťuje dlhú životnosť a zachováva si svoj krásny vzhľad aj vo vlhkom prostredí. Uľahčuje rýchle odvodnenie, výrazne znižuje riziko pošmyknutia pri nahromadení vody, vďaka čomu je dokonalým doplnkom do každej kúpeľne.
  • 16 in Rozšírená a vysoká nosnosť: Zvýšte úroveň zážitku zo sprchovania s naším nástenným sedadlom do sprchy! Toto skladacie sedadlo do sprchy, navrhnuté s nosnou rúrkou z nehrdzavejúcej ocele 304, sa môže pochváliť pôsobivou nosnosťou až 440 libier (199,58 kg). Rozšírené sedadlo zvyšuje komfort a poskytuje spoľahlivé a pohodlné sedenie pre seniorov, tehotné ženy, deti a osoby s obmedzenou pohyblivosťou.
  • Bezproblémové skladanie a rozkladanie: Bez námahy zložte a rozložte naše sedadlo do sprchy na stenu pre bezproblémový zážitok. Keď ho nepoužívate, jednoducho ho zložte naplocho k stene, aby ste ušetrili miesto a vaša kúpeľňa zostala uprataná a priestranná. Vychutnajte si plynulú a tichú prevádzku zakaždým, keď ju rozložíte alebo zložíte, čím dodáte svojej kúpeľni funkčnosť a eleganciu.
  • Montáž na stenu s vyvŕtaným otvorom: Premyslene vybavená nálepkou na vedenie montážneho otvoru pre presné vŕtanie – nie je potrebné ďalšie označovanie perom. Kompletný s krytom skrutky, 304 skrutkami z nehrdzavejúcej ocele a ďalšou sadou 2 skrutiek a krytov skrutiek z nehrdzavejúcej ocele pre väčšie pohodlie. Poznámka: Nainštalujte naše skladacie sedadlo do sprchy na nosné pevné steny.
  • Od kúpeľní po sprchy a ešte ďalej: Naše nástenné sedadlo do sprchy sa neobmedzuje len na kúpeľne a sprchové kúty – je tiež ideálne pre vchody, spálne, nemocnice, škôlky, chodby, šatne, lode a ďalšie. Jeho elegantný a minimalistický dizajn bez námahy zapadá do rôznych štýlov dekorácií a pridáva funkčnosť aj estetickú príťažlivosť kdekoľvek je umiestnený.

často kúpené spolu

Ľudia, ktorí si kúpili tento tovar, si taktiež kúpili

VEVOR skladacie dubové sedadlo do sprchy 16,1" x 13,4" nástenná sprchová lavica 440 libier
Zažite pohodlie a bezpečnosť vo svojej sprche
Zvýšte úroveň zážitku zo sprchovania s naším nástenným sedadlom do sprchy, vyrobené z vodeodolného dubového dreva odolného voči vlhkosti. Toto sedadlo je zaistené 304 skrutkami z nehrdzavejúcej ocele a ponúka zvýšenú nosnosť. Skladací dizajn šetrí priestor, ideálny pre kúpeľne, vchody a ďalšie.
Toto sedadlo do sprchy, vyrobené z vysokokvalitného masívneho dreva, vyžaruje prirodzenú arómu dreva a vyznačuje sa jemnou hladkou textúrou, ktorá zaisťuje, že aj pri dlhšom vystavení kúpeľňovému prostrediu vodou odoláva praskaniu a poškodeniu a poskytuje dlhotrvajúcu spoľahlivosť a eleganciu.
Toto sklápacie sedadlo do sprchy pripevnené k stene pomocou 304 skrutiek z nehrdzavejúcej ocele je odolné voči hrdzi a neuveriteľne trvácne. Poskytuje výnimočnú nosnosť a zaisťuje spoľahlivé použitie pre seniorov, tehotné ženy, deti a jednotlivcov s problémami s pohyblivosťou.
Zažite maximálne pohodlie s naším sklopným sedadlom do sprchy namontovaným na stenu, ktoré je navrhnuté tak, aby sa skládalo hladko a ticho. Priestorovo úsporný skladací dizajn zaistí, že vaša kúpeľňa zostane uprataná a priestranná, vďaka čomu je ideálna pre moderné bývanie.
Vďaka svojmu elegantnému a štýlovému dizajnu sa toto sprchové sedadlo na stenu bez problémov hodí do rôznych štýlov a prostredí. Ideálne pre kúpeľne, spálne, chodby, vchody a lode, ponúka bezkonkurenčné pohodlie a zvyšuje funkčnosť akéhokoľvek priestoru.


Číslo modelu
Čistá hmotnosť
9,0 libier/4,1 kg (so všetkým príslušenstvom)
Max. Nosnosť
440 lbs/199,58 kg
Otázky a odpovede
Typické otázky o produktoch: Je produkt odolný? ...

Hodnotenia zákazníkov

Hodnotenia podľa funkcií

  • 4.8
  • 4.6
  • 4.6
  • 4.7
  • Pozrieť viac Pozri Menej
8 recenzie
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Donna Donna
wonderful quality I recommend
I decided to put this in my basement bathroom. It comes with the hole guide and a drill bit, so that was 50% of my fear gone. You still need a level. The wood is strong and of high quality. As good as it is, I still don't trust sitting on it, but that's just me because I am heavy. I love it as an extra shelf in the shower and a foot prop to shave my legs. I feel so classy with this in the shower. Makes me wish the whole bathroom was teak.
My 2 Cents!  O_o My 2 Cents! O_o
Pretty good!
I was able to finally install this at my friends house as I live in an apartment and she was looking for one for her mother-in-laws bathroom as her MIL is only getting older. This was pretty nice to install and so far the MIL likes it.
Mil Mil
Very strong but need to support for installation
It has a very nice and elegant quality, crafted from high-quality wood and steel, making it very strong and capable of supporting heavy individuals. The only issue is that installation requires a strong wall; otherwise, it might not be secure. Supporting the back during installation is crucial for safety. Despite this, totally boasts excellent quality and performs perfectly. It would be even better with an auto-close feature for easier opening and closing. Overall, I like it and am impressed with its quality.
M. Corum M. Corum
Stable, Attractive and Easy to Use
The folding nature of this bench means it isn't in the way when not needed, but easy to access when it is. The key to a great experience with it is taking the time in advance to identify the studs behind the shower walls so you can drill the lag bolts into the center of them. Unless mounted in studs, this will NOT be stable or load-bearing. Once properly mounted, it is simple to fold up and down for use. The surface is smooth and waterproof and folded up all the water drains though so there are no issues with it being a harbor for mold or mildew. The teak wood and metal hardware looks high-end and matches up well with my bathroom decor I cannot confirm 500 lbs capacity, but I can say I had no problem with it as a 310 lb 5'9\" man. I recommend checking the seat height of the chair you are comfortable with and make sure you are not mounting it too low, which makes it hard to pull yourself out of. Personally I would have liked a little more seat depth, but realize that would lessen the seat's capacity. Overall, if you want a good sitting platform for your shower for someone with limits on standing - or who just likes relaxing for a while - this is a great shower seat that doesn't make the shower crowded for someone who doesn't need it. I highly recommend it.
jj jj
Wall mount folding shower bench.
This is a helpful addition to any shower stall . Care must be taken to insure lag bolts are used and threaded into studs in the wall behind the tiling. Before I covered the studs in my shower I made a map measuring placement before the cement board went up. Other options are available to locate the studs, just make sure whoever installs this wonderful bench has the proper knowledge to do the job correctly. Question them thoroughly and if they can’t answer your questions, find someone else.
TheFunBunch TheFunBunch
Great seat for our bathroom.
We have been using a spare folding chair in our bathroom for the last year. It's a bit tacky. This fold down seat is a vast improvement to our house. It gives the flexibility of having a seat when wanted, and being able to fold it away when it is not needed. The teak wood is very appropriate for a shower. I like that water will naturally drain off of this. I am planning on putting up tile in my bathroom, so I will remove the green board and put in reinforcements for seat. I am looking forward to getting the chance to try this seat out. I believe you can mount this without studs, but I would question the strength of the seat.
WNY Person WNY Person
Very high quality teak, strong brushed nickel frame
My mother in law is moving into the house soon, and we needed a seat for the shower remodel. Vevor is making a name for itself as a brand that has lower-cost items, and I know that often comes with skepticism on quality. Much like other Vevor products I've bought, this has consistently good quality. It folds up flat and I can hang a towel or washcloth on it. The contractor said that this was a normal, easy install and we're very confident on it being able to hold weight.
Daniel Edwards Daniel Edwards
Pretty nice
Ok, this shower bench is pretty nice for the price, it looks sleek and I love the fact it can be raised and that unlike built-in shower benches, there are no corners for water to collect and eventually seep through causing water damage over time. You can leave it in the down position if you have the room or just close it when you're done. Here's the thing, this is best suited for new showers or if you're getting your old shower redone because it NEEDS to be anchors to the studs behind the wall and also in order to install it exactly where you want it you may have to add blocking or extra studs. I'm a tile installer by trade and did our own shower over about three years ago so I had pictures and measurements of the studs in our shower saved so I knew where I could and could not anchor it. I question the 500lbs rating, but have no way to prove that wrong, but it seems sturdy enough for most people, I'm a big guy and it supports me fine. The teak wood looks nice, it's a clean minimalist design. For the price I think it's a good deal. Will update this review if need be.

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