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Echipament de dresaj de agilitate pentru câini VEVOR Set de 4 bucăți cu cutie de pauză cu obstacole Echipament de dresaj de agilitate pentru câini VEVOR Set de 4 bucăți cu cutie de pauză cu obstacole Echipament de dresaj de agilitate pentru câini VEVOR Set de 4 bucăți cu cutie de pauză cu obstacole Echipament de dresaj de agilitate pentru câini VEVOR Set de 4 bucăți cu cutie de pauză cu obstacole Echipament de dresaj de agilitate pentru câini VEVOR Set de 4 bucăți cu cutie de pauză cu obstacole Echipament de dresaj de agilitate pentru câini VEVOR Set de 4 bucăți cu cutie de pauză cu obstacole Echipament de dresaj de agilitate pentru câini VEVOR Set de 4 bucăți cu cutie de pauză cu obstacole

Echipament de dresaj de agilitate pentru câini VEVOR Set de 4 bucăți cu cutie de pauză cu obstacole

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Despre acest articol

  • Îmbunătățiți agilitatea câinelui dvs.: Setul nostru include bare de săritură lățime de 27,95 inchi, un inel de săritură retractabil cu un diametru de 23,62-25,59 inci, 6 stâlpi de țesătură de ancorare la sol și o cutie de pauză. Perfect pentru a spori agilitatea și ascultarea câinelui tău, în timp ce favorizează sesiunile de antrenament distractive și interactive.
  • Premium și robust: Construiți din PVC durabil, stâlpii sunt robusti și stabili, rezistând la deformare în timpul utilizării. Inelul de săritură are tije întărite și un sistem de prindere cu velcro în 3 puncte pentru a minimiza oscilarea.
  • Ușor și ușor de instalat: Configurarea fără instrumente cu fitinguri și cleme de conectare rapidă permite asamblarea și dezasamblarea simplă în câteva minute. Înălțimea reglabilă pentru barele de săritură și inelul, designul ușor și geanta de depozitare îl fac ușor de transportat și utilizat atât în ​​interior, cât și în exterior.
  • Ce este inclus: manual de instrucțiuni x1; fluier x1; bol pliabil x1; conectori drepti x4; conectori cu patru căi x10; cleme pentru stâlp x4; benzi Velcro x3; inel de saritura x1; caseta de pauză x1; sac de depozitare x1; mize de pământ x4; pungă de miză x1; stâlpi de țesut x6; poli de actiune x2; stâlpi de bază x4. Tot ce aveți nevoie pentru o configurație completă de antrenament de agilitate, gata pentru utilizare imediată și distracție.
  • Utilizare flexibilă oriunde: Setul de antrenament pentru agilitate este ușor și portabil, ideal pentru utilizare în diverse setări, inclusiv camere de zi interioare, balcoane, poduri sau spații exterioare extinse precum curți, peluze și parcuri.

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Echipament de dresaj de agilitate pentru câini VEVOR Set de 4 bucăți cu cutie de pauză cu obstacole
Set de 4 piese Tip de bază
Descoperă o nouă modalitate de a interacționa cu câinele tău!
Antrenează agilitatea și supunerea câinelui tău, întărind în același timp legătura cu animalul tău de companie. Setul are o structură întărită îmbunătățită, făcându-l stabil și mai puțin probabil să se clătinească sau să se răstoarne în timpul utilizării. Eliberează întregul potențial al câinelui tău cu kitul nostru de agilitate – unde distracția se întâlnește cu antrenamentul!
Include bare de săritură și inele reglabile pentru a spori agilitatea și ascultarea câinelui tău, întărind în același timp legătura.
Îmbunătățit pentru o stabilitate sporită cu oscilări minime în timpul utilizării. Construit pentru a rezista la dresaj viguros, asigurând performanțe consistente pentru tine și câinele tău.
Vine cu toate accesoriile necesare pentru o configurare rapidă, pentru o singură persoană. Bucurați-vă de asamblare fără probleme, astfel încât să puteți începe antrenamentul imediat.
Ușoare și ușor de transportat după depozitare. Perfect pentru antrenament din mers sau în parc.


Număr model articol
Material principal
Greutate netă
8,16 lbs/3,7 kg
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Recenziile clienților

15 Recenzie(e)
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Maxwell84 Maxwell84
Stimulate your Dogs mind
10 minute setup, light weight, great dog mind stimulation product.
reviewer reviewer
Good introductory set
I have an active dog that loves to run and jump and thought she might enjoy this set. It has a number of different agility activities: weave, tunnel, jumps and hoops. I've never done agility training so can't say I'm the best trainer but my dog did get through a couple of the activities with some enticement (i.e., treats!). The set is pretty basic but sturdy enough for recreational use. My dog uses the jumps but that's as far as we've gotten. Got through 1 or 2 weaves but then just wanted to run! I think this set would be good for someone who can spend a little time training their dog on an agility course but isn't necessarily looking to join the professional circuit. It's fun to just watch the dog run around and see how they react to the different pieces. Some of the neighbor dogs joined us and had a fun time with the tunnels. The set is pretty convenient for carrying and setting up. It's reasonably sturdy and should be sufficient for just having some fun with your dog.
Kathryn H. Kathryn H.
Perfect for larger dogs.
This works so well for my 2 larger Standard Poodles. They can get through the tunnel and the jumps are adjustable.
F. Bamboo F. Bamboo
Super Fun Backyard Agility Course
The dog agility course is so much fun, the whole family enjoys training our dog and I have a mini pig I am working with. Training her to go through the tunnel was so easy, I just stood at the other end with a treat. Everything comes with storage bags and that makes it very compact and easy to store. It was also very easy to pop out the tunnel for quick play time. The poles for the hurdle and ring are very durable and it comes with sandbags and a water dish too. They thought of everything and this kit comes with everything you need to train your pets. I would recommend highly, love my set. Thank you!
Ut och Vandra Ut och Vandra
best as a portable set for dogs who already know agility
I found this kit to be hard to rate, primarily because it has so many good ideas going on and is so portable and cost-conscious. But on the other hand, if your dog has never seen agility equipment or you've personally never done it before, this is not the best kit for them. The obstacles (especially the \"tire\") don't look right from a dog's perspective; they are very open-looking and confusing as to what part is jump and what part is obstacle. Since the quality is budget conscious, you need to take care and work slowly so the pieces last. The tunnels are a little thin but workable (we have been using them without weights). The coils are not that tight together so the fabric sags a bit inside and gives a different appearance to the dog than an official tunnel. The collapsible tunnel is a bit of a challenge the way it is designed. My dog hadn't had experience with this more advanced tunnel and I'm used to teaching it with a collapsed portion that is wide and easy to scrunch up. You can have it open or gradually collapsed as you toss it up and let it settle on the backside of the dog as they run out to teach them it's not a scarey obstacle. The problem with this collapsible tunnel is that it's all of one piece and the fabric is too tight to scrunch and hold out, much less let it fly. It was really hard to get it to work. My dog kept getting tangled up and frustrated. If your dog already knows the collapsible tunnel, this won't be a problem. My dog is not that familiar with agility equipment in general, although I've had previous dogs I competed with so I do have an official set of metal weave poles -- the kind that can have 'training wheel' wires on them so you don't have to lure. I think the poles might be spaced farther apart than the poles in this set, as my dog is still trying to figure out how to work her body to fit between the poles. She is only confident on training wires. These weave poles don't have training wires BUT they are pretty good as portable weave
AmazonCustomer AmazonCustomer
Great beginner set
This is a great set for a beginner. At around a hundred bucks, this is perfect to if you or your dog is up to the task before investing too much. Nothing is super great, but everything is decent quality. Good value for money and a good product, this is an item I would order again.
Papaya Papaya
Pretty good agility set. Sturdy enough.
This is a great beginner agility set for pups. I think it looks great indoors or outdoors. My pup is afraid of the tunnel though, cause he's afraid of things over his head! Haha! But the weaving pole thing he does well on. He's working on jumping over things because he doesn't like to do that either. I do think that this set is easy to assemble. The items are also sturdy enough, as when my pup tried it out, he didn't knock anything over (He's only 5 lbs so it's a bit hard for him to knock anything over). The kit comes with storage bags so that you can store the items. I do think that this set is a bit pricey because it is over $100, but I'm not sure about the typical price of this type of agility set.
All Smiles All Smiles
Great Way To Tame My Energetic Poodle
We have 3 miniature poodles, and they range from lap dog, that really wouldn’t even need legs because she wants to be in our laps or carried everywhere, to energetic but crashes after activity, to our extremely energetic miniature poodle that just runs constantly and lays and rests very seldom. We are older and just can’t play enough for her. We were told that a snuffle mat could help. While it is fun to watch and does keep her busy for a while it just wasn’t enough for the energy that she has. I ordered this set to help give her a structured activity to engage her mind and body in the hopes that she will then be less wrestles. This set comes with everything that is advertised. It comes with instructions, but I only glanced at them for a quick reference because it’s very simple to figure out. Pretty easy to set up and take down and comes with storage bags to keep all of the parts together which is a huge plus since there’s lots of parts. The storage bags aren’t super durable, but hopefully they will last for quite a while. This is a learning experience for ourselves and our poodles but we are all having a great time. Well, our lap dog enjoys watching what the other’s are doing, she just doesn’t see the point and can’t be bothered to try for herself. LOL. Ms. Spastic does seem to be enjoying the extra play and attention, and I can see a difference in her interactions with us now. I’m not all together sure if it’s because of the extra exercise or just getting more attention but I’m certainly thrilled to have found a solution. Lots of fun for every family not just those wanting to train to compete.
AmazonCustomer AmazonCustomer
Entry level
I have a 15 year old who use to do agility but he is no longer welcome at my local dog club because he goes potty on their indoor turf. He can no longer jump or zoom through the weave poles but he does enjoy still running through the tunnels. It took me an hour the first time I set this up. 15 minutes to tear down and pack up. This set is ok. I would call it entry level. If you’re just starting out it is good for home practice. This isn’t something I would set up and leave up all year outdoors. I think the UV rays would destroy it.
Erica A Medlock Erica A Medlock
Nice novice set
As someone getting this mostly for a large indoor area, this set looks really nice. Is it fancy? No. Cute colors and display, yes. For beginner agility or bonding fun, this fits our needs great!

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