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VEVOR Heavy Duty Racing Wheel Stand pre Logitech G923/G920/G29 Max330LBS Compact VEVOR Heavy Duty Racing Wheel Stand pre Logitech G923/G920/G29 Max330LBS Compact VEVOR Heavy Duty Racing Wheel Stand pre Logitech G923/G920/G29 Max330LBS Compact VEVOR Heavy Duty Racing Wheel Stand pre Logitech G923/G920/G29 Max330LBS Compact VEVOR Heavy Duty Racing Wheel Stand pre Logitech G923/G920/G29 Max330LBS Compact VEVOR Heavy Duty Racing Wheel Stand pre Logitech G923/G920/G29 Max330LBS Compact VEVOR Heavy Duty Racing Wheel Stand pre Logitech G923/G920/G29 Max330LBS Compact

VEVOR Heavy Duty Racing Wheel Stand pre Logitech G923/G920/G29 Max330LBS Compact

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O tejto položke

  • Kompatibilné s hlavnými značkami: Predinštalované otvory sú vhodné pre viaceré obľúbené volanty, pedále a radenie vrátane Logitech, Thrustmaster, Fanatec, Hori a Mad Catz. Príslušenstvo môžete jednoducho vymeniť alebo upgradovať bez obáv z problémov s kompatibilitou.
  • Robustný a bez posunu: Vyrobený z ocele s uhlíkovou štruktúrou, zabraňuje akémukoľvek posunutiu počas používania. Pevné zvary, hrubé platne z uhlíkovej ocele a odolný rám zaisťujú výnimočnú stabilitu a poskytujú realistickejší zážitok z jazdy vo vašich hrách.
  • Prispôsobená poloha sedenia: Nastaviteľná výška volantu od 23,8 do 31,3 palcov (605-795 mm), univerzálne kompatibilné uchytenie radiacej páky, uhol pedálu nastaviteľný od 0° do 35°, zaručujúci pohodlný zážitok z jazdy, či už na simulovaných tratiach alebo v závodných hrách.
  • Profesionálny kokpit: Obsahuje profesionálny dizajn integrovaného kokpitu s PVC koženou tkaninou pre veľmi pohodlné sedenie. Oceľový rám s vysokou pevnosťou a mäkká PVC kožená tkanina zaručujú, že dlhé hranie zostane pohodlné. Sedadlo podporuje jednoduché nastavenie v uhle 90° až 120° spredu dozadu, čo vám umožní nájsť perfektnú polohu sedenia bez námahy.
  • Realistický pretekársky zážitok: Navrhnuté pre profesionálnych pretekárov na tréning doma. Už vás neobmedzujú trate ani čas, teraz môžete trénovať doma ako profesionálny pretekár, prekonávať limity a zlepšovať zručnosti.

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VEVOR Heavy Duty Racing Wheel Stand pre Logitech G923/G920/G29 Max330LBS Compact
Malá veľkosť
Zažite dokonalosť s naším revolučným stojanom!
Už sa nemusíte báť otrasov v hre. Naše oceľové držiaky na herný volant zostávajú stabilné, takže si môžete vychutnať jazdu vysokou rýchlosťou. S viacerými funkciami nastavenia, pohodlným dizajnom tkanín, ktorý vytvára dokonalý herný zážitok.
Rozlúčte sa s akýmkoľvek otrasom počas hrania. Náš trojuholníkový dizajn mechanickej stability zaisťuje, že stojan zostáva pevný a bez kolísania.
Náš stojan na volant ponúka viacero možností nastavenia, čo vám umožní dosiahnuť preferovanú polohu sedenia. Prispôsobte si výšku, uhol a polohu, aby ste si vytvorili svoj osobný zážitok z jazdy.
Predĺžené hranie často vedie k nepohodliu a únave. Náš kokpit je vybavený čiernym látkovým čalúnením a vylepšenou bedrovou opierkou pre mäkké a podporné pohodlie. Vďaka integrovanému dizajnu môžete zostať v pohodlí a vydržať dlhšie hranie.
Už nie ste viazaní plánmi tratí alebo miestami, teraz sa môžete zapojiť do skutočného bojového tréningu doma kedykoľvek a kdekoľvek. Zažite skutočnú spätnú väzbu sily, zvýšte úroveň svojich zručností a ponorte sa do neobmedzenej radosti z autentických pretekov.


Číslo modelu položky
Rozmery položky (D x Š x V)
56,3 x 25,2 x 50 palcov / 1430 x 640 x 1270 mm
Čistá hmotnosť (vrátane všetkého príslušenstva)
85,5 libier / 38,8 kg ± 2 %
Nastavenie výšky konzoly
23,8-31,3 palca / 605-795 mm ±5
Nastavenie uhla pedálu
Nastavenie uhla sedadla
Zostava vhodného volantu
Logitech G923/G920/G29, Thrustmaster T248P, Fanatec, Hori, Mad Catz a ďalšie!
Otázky a odpovede
1 Otázky
What is the diference between small size and big size on the sim VEVOR Heavy Duty Racing
The small product supports two driving modes: F1 Formula and GT, while the large one only has GT mode, which is a normal sitting position.
Autor vevor

Hodnotenia zákazníkov

Hodnotenia podľa funkcií

  • 4.8
  • 4.6
  • 4.6
  • 4.7
  • Pozrieť viac Pozri Menej
9 recenzie
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Dave Upton Dave Upton
I tried hard at first to find a review about this seat on YouTube and was unable to locate any one that had done a review on this particular seat. But then I ended up coming to the vevor website and found tons of reviews on this particular seat. Everyone said that it came quickly was easy to put together and the seat was very comfortable. They gave a 4.7 at a five stars, and I got to say that all the reviews that I did read about it on this site was very accurate. The seat is amazing, probably one of the best features of the whole cockpit is the seat. It is so comfortable. I have no complaints whatsoever and the overall adjustability of the cockpit is amazing. It is tailored to whatever size you needed to be. The seat Slide is awesome as well. Unlike my other cockpit, I bought this seat side slide locks on both sides of the seat. Where is my other one only locked on one side this is a huge bonus of this seat along with its comfortability. I would definitely recommend this cockpit to anyone looking for a really sturdy rig with a comfortable seat hands-down this is your choice.
Vincent Vincent
Nice Value
The price with the quality it offered is unbeatable. It has solid structure with adjustable paddles and wheel platform. Recommended!
Phil Phil
This rig is absolutely amazing for the price, I am incredibly impressed with the comfort and quality of the seat - I can not recommend this product enough!!!
Konstantin Dashkevich Konstantin Dashkevich
Very sturdy and comfortable
The frame is very sturdy and well built. Doesn’t shake apart loose or flex. I run a 8nm fanatec wheel and the plat form holds it well. The seat is very comfortable as well as adjustable. There are lot of adjustment available for steering wheel assembly and foot platform. Sliding it up and down or tilting. The only small issues I see are that I am 5’6” and fit very well but someone taller or bigger might be cramped. The installation instructions are good but it still took me 2 hours to assemble.
Jacob Jacob
Vevor Racing Cockpit
For the price, it’s hard to beat. First thing to note, the package it arrives in is quite large as you might expect. I would recommend having another person to assist with the lifting as it is quite heavy/difficult to manage as one person. Assembly was fairly straightforward. The included hardware, tools, and instructions were sufficient but I would highly recommend using your own hand tools or power tools if available. The frame is sturdy once assembled. The seat is a little flimsy, but you can’t expect too much for the price. I was not able to use the M8 nuts to mount the seat as instructed, but the included M6 nuts were able to fit within the sliding rail to mount it to the frame. Additionally while there are multiple holes in the sliders to mount with, only one set of holes is spaced appropriately to actually mount the seat. This causes the seat to be mounted a bit more forward than what could be optimal. It’s not perfect, but works. I am 5’6” roughly 160lbs and fit just fine, but someone over 6” or near may struggle with this. I think I may invest in a better seat after having done a few hours/races now. As far as sim hardware, I am running a Fanatec DD wheelbase? and Fanatec CSL pedals, and Clubsport shifter. I had to drill some extra holes into the frame to custom mount my Clubsport handbrake as there are no provisions to do so. The shifter receptacle works fine with the Fanatec shifter. Even with the 8nm DD wheel, the frame feels sturdy and does not flex. There is some movement with the upright that the wheelbase mounts to due to how it, itself mounts to the actual frame. While there is a lot of adjustability, you do have to sort of disassemble parts of the cockpit to adjust it. It’s just by design but I could note that as a downside in some regards. Overall, I am satisfied with the purchase due to the value this product presents. Would consider buying again, but I believe Next Level Racing offers the “GTRacer” cockpit at a competitive but slightly more expensive price point.
Fantom Fantom
Great Racing Sim At A Great Price
I thought I would take a chance on this Vevor racing sim as it’s half the price as the Next Level counterpart; it’s identical to the Next Level GTTrack. I’m really glad I did, first off this thing is rock solid, I’m 6’3” and almost 300lbs and I fit in this with no problem. The seat slides back and forth and the seat back reclines as needed. It comes with the shifter mount and a racing harness but I didn’t install those. The seat is actually really comfortable over longer sessions and I haven’t experienced any discomfort or aching. Assembly is a breeze and straight forward, had it together in about an hour. Instructions are actually really good also. All hardware is marked making it easier, though I found the extra bolts for mounting your wheel and pedals were abit short and needed washers so i opted to get my own. The added bonus of having the castors makes it really easy to move around. On top of all that, the orange and black seat looks amazing. I mounted up the Logitech G923 kit without issue and it’s seems to accept whatever set up you have. The seat also came in the same box which was nice not having to wait for 2 deliveries. I can highly recommend this racing sim and would not hesitate to buy it again, it’s a steal at this price.
Bobby T Bobby T
This rig is super heavy duty and half the cost of wheel stands of this quality! Seat is extra thick and moves forward and back as well as the back that moves forward and back. So far I am extremely satisfied with this wheel stand/ racing rig!
Rodney Daniels Rodney Daniels
Quality at half the cost
I am beyond happy with my order, the quality of this racing sim is unbelievable. Every single place I looked, the same build rig is 900. The seat is my favorite color orange and black. It not only reclines, it also slides back and forth. That sealed the deal for me, I am 6'3 and get in and out with no problem. Super fast shipping, I had it in 2 days. Thanks again Vevor
Sofa Sofa
I am truly amazed by the quality of this racing sim cockpit ( the XL with the orange and black seat). Very strong,I am using this with a DD Pro 8nm, I’m 6’3” 200lbs and I fit fine.This sim is strong and completely adjustable. Seat is extra wide and totally comfy. Thanks Vevor, I feel like I got a great deal!

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