Pump seems to do a great job filling a 3K psi tank. It's a workout though! When you first get the pump there are a number of components that you have to assemble. My suggestion is to put a couple of turns of Teflon plumbers tape on anything that has a thread on it and needs to be tightened down to the main pump assembly. Double check your fittings on the pre-assembled components like the fill hose and put Teflon tape on those and tighten down snug. Mine were loose, but a quick turn with a wrench fixed the issue! Instructions are not that great, but I think most capable of DIY projects will figure it out. Make sure to use a wrench to snug all fittings, no hand tightening or you can expect leaks! Appears to be good quality for a great price. Heavy duty pump! Time will tell if it will hold up.