This product is exactly as advertised. It's way better than clamping to a table and is sturdy enough for gaming. I use a Thrustmaster 458 Spyder wheel/pedal set that clamped on without a problem and the stand was solid for me while driving in Horizons, Forza 7, and F1 2019. The directions aren't great but they aren't terrible and the pictures are very helpful. It's not a complicated piece of furniture so as long as you go slow, don't tighten anything until you're sure you've got it, and double check everything against the pictures, you'll be fine. It took me about 30 minutes. Everything lined up fine, there were plenty of parts, and the included wrenches were all I needed.The product arrived on time, in a box that hadn't been smashed, and unbent with each piece in its own bubblewrap bag. There were a couple of scratches but they were either on the bottom or hidden by my pedal base.I give this 4 stars because it is better than I expected but it is definitely not a $500 wheel stand at a bargain price. If you are looking for this kind of gear at this price point, I doubt you'll find anything better and you could do much, much worse. If it breaks during the first month I'll update this review.