the machine itself is really good one thing that is mentioned and i believe its my own fault ( so i havent deducted a star for it ) the machine is Tiny. By that I mean child sized. Its gorgeous no doubt about that and works well i have centered a couple of kilos of clay and it handled it easily . At my level that's the most i will ever need to center i think it will be able to center larger quantities easily as well. One thing that could be improved is the splash pan, its too low which causes the slip to splash out just a littlle while centering at high speed and its difficult to clean under the wheel because of the low clearance.another thing that would be helpful is bat holes and the wheel head to be smoother the one i have has striations with are something rougher on the hands than needed. If you are trying out pottery as a hobby its a great addition but be prepared to have a low stool to sit or a stand to put the machine on to bring it up to adult height.the foot pedal is also responsive and great to work with varying speeds without manually changing it by hand.