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VEVOR Circular Saw Blade Sharpener Grinder 370W 3600RPM & 5-inch Grinding Wheel

Customer Reviews for VEVOR Circular Saw Blade Sharpener Grinder 370W 3600RPM & 5-inch Grinding Wheel

Circular Saw Blade Sharpener

Customer Reviews

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74 Review(s)
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John Maclean John Maclean
Circular Saw Blade Grinder Sharpener Machine Manufacturing Carbide Workshop
Roger Roger
It works for me
OK, so the instructions are really rubbish! Mine were illegible and the occasional words that could be deciphered were badly translated into English.They went straight into the bin.Having said that, anybody with an inkling of engineering nouse could work out how it goes together and how it works.I spent some time setting it up, tightening all the fixings and generally getting to know the machine.The cutting angles can be set up any which way to get the correct angle of attack for any particular blade and once done the only variable is the change to saw diameter which does not affect the other settings.All in all it is a rugged construction which should give years of use. My first attempt produced very acceptable results.
Melvin Beckitt Melvin Beckitt
370w Saw Blade Sharpener Water Injection Grinder 125mm Circular Chainsaw
Col Col
this product should carry a earth pin in the uk
seems a nice little machine, but beware!! this is a metal machine not plastic it should carry a earth line from the product to the plug pin it does not have a earth pin ON THE EURO PLUG beware this will not be LEGAL IN THE UK I WILL BE INFORMING TRADING STANDARDS IN THE UK
kline smith kline smith
very heavy. well mfg with exception of the marking locations. they are only stick on arrors which have peeled off.
Johny Walker Johny Walker
Great value for the money!
I'm both a machinist and wood worker who's been in busyness 20 years. I had concerns about a Cheap Chinese machine, truth is over the years I've bought some really expensive American garbage. I just sharpened 5 Forrest 12" Woodworker 2 Blades, $170 a piece. I just ran a 12/4 cherry board through my table saw, flawless, not one burn. Only a perfect blade will do that.So, have no worries. Think about it, this sharpener is the price of a few tanks of gas. Yes, Great value for the money. I also purchased the upgraded grinding wheel.
Alejandra Nicole Perdomo Alejandra Nicole Perdomo
Eres mu buenaImportante es de reglar bien machinaY se fila r_ido
gilbert marie gilbert marie
bonne qualit prix .livraison rapide . merci .
affut les lames de scie circulaire. test sur 2 lames de diam_res diff_ents .ok je recommande ce produitr_lage un peu laborieuxnotice a am_ior sur les r_lages
le grand lionel le grand lionel
R_lage facile , et donne de tr_ bon r_ultats
Je suis tr_ surpris de cette Petite aff?teuse moi qui est menuisier __iste , c'est super de faire sont aff?tage soi m_e . Plus de d_ai d'attente plus de factures de l'affuteur pro que du bonheur .
Peter Viertmann Peter Viertmann
Funktioniert gut
Mangels Bedienungsanleitung muss man sich erst Mal etwas durchk?mpfen und den Aufbau so wie die Bedienung aust_teln. Das Schleifen der Bl?tter funktioniert dann aber einwandfrei und recht fix. Ich brauche es nur f_ Hartmetallbl?tter, f_ normale S?gebl?tter braucht man wahrscheinlich eine andere Schleifscheibe.Das Ger?t macht einen sehr robusten Eindruck. F_ den Preis absolut in Ordnung als Gelegenheitsanwender.

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