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VEVOR Diesel Air Heater All-in-one 12V 5KW Bluetooth App LCD for Car RV Indoors

Customer Reviews for VEVOR Diesel Air Heater All-in-one 12V 5KW Bluetooth App LCD for Car RV Indoors

5 kw Yes Horizontal All in One 

Customer Reviews

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2547 Review(s)
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Egidijus Egidijus
Labas. Užsakiau pirmą užsakymą, bet negavau (1 order(s) are required to earn 1 level.). ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Sandu Sandu
Foarte bune
Isi fac treaba daca le folosesti corect! Consuma bine! Nu ma asteptam sa fie atat de puternice si sa incalzeasca atata de bine!
saviolife4x4 saviolife4x4
Diesel Heater
Maybe the best diesel heater on the market!!! I use for a roof top tent on my 4x4 and does exactly what it says!!! Thank you vevor!!!
Arttu Väänänen Arttu Väänänen
Hyvä ja tehokas, hieman kovaääninen ja hankala kasata mukana olevilla tuotteilla( pakoputki).
Robert Robert
Diesel heater
A diesel heater works great in a caravan. I have it installed outside because of the noise. I recommend it to everyone, for a good price, the heater is a great item.
George T. George T.
Un produs ok
Livrararea a fost extrem de rapida. Produsul a sosit ambalat corespunzator. Am achzitionat varianta de 5 kw. Face suficienta caldura (l-am probat afara la -2 grade C). Cum scrie si pe cablul de alimentare, se recomanda o sursa mai mare de 15 amperi. Eu nestiind aveam pregatita o susrsa de 10 amperi. La pornire (cand se incalzeste bujia) se trage din retea o putere de 175-180 de w timp de vreo 2 minute. Ulterior in functie de treapta de putere selectata aparatul consuma intre 30 si 50 w din reteaua de 220 v (s-a verificat acest consum introducand sursa de 12 v 10 A intr-un smart plug. Consumum nu l-am testat, insa mu a scazut dupa 1 ora de teste. Pe laterala produsului este specificata recomnadarea de a se completa nivelul de combustibil cand scade sub 20 %- acest lucru este de fapt obligatoriu. Pentru teste am pus in rwzervor cam jumatate de l de motorina, aparatul a pornit si ulterior a afisat eroarea nr. 10 ceea ce inseamna pornire esuata. Dupa completarea cu motorina apatatul a functionat normal.
Jonathan Jonathan
I have been using the 8kw heater for two months now nearly 14hrs a day. Very good and efficient. I run it on kerosene because it's cheaper and it works.. never swap fuel. If you use diesel then don't swap over, vice versa with kerosene. After a while I will chane the fuel lines for safety and put a inline filter. Overall amazing... I live in Ireland and it's cold. This thing saved us a lot on heating the colder side of the house .. Small bungalow. Old heating system. Definitely buy, Wire yourself too.. or Get help with the 12v supply. I use a Xbox 360 power adapter.
Florin Florin
Super ok usor de folosit îl am de 6 luni ,funcționează fără probleme a făcut fata și la -15 grade într-un microbuz 20 locuri .mulțumit
Patrik Brenner Patrik Brenner
Výfuková rura je poškodená. Su na nej diery. reklamaciu som zadal,ale doteraz nebola doriešená. Vraj sa nahradný diel stratil. Ponuknuta bola finančna nahrada vo výske 20 euro. Doteraz nedoriešené. The exhaust pipe is damaged. There are holes in it. I filed a complaint, but it has not been resolved yet. Apparently the replacement part was lost. A financial compensation of 20 euros was offered. Unresolved so far
OviTm OviTm
Good product
The heater is great. I’m using it as a Webasto in my car for preheating. Was easy to be installed, the consumption is also great

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