The potential for a severe injury is real. These edges have not been sanded down and are like knives. I am not exaggerating. For such a wonderful product that is Affordable compared to other competitors to be out on the market, these people have done some great work but they can spend the five extra minutes to send the edges on every piece of metal. I have never seen such a sharp object shipped and received in the USA before. Well I have, and they were Chef knives. These are very sharp. That is the first thing I would fix. And it will be fixed in hours today and then where it folds in between the seams there is no batting to catch the gold and the gold has potential of falling through. I am going to add a long mat with holes through the center so that there is no loss of gold. I would replace the black mat or add to it underneath. We are going to do that today. It's just as a safety precaution. Those are the only two things I would change. The price of this when compared to competitors is incredibly good and it is a really nice good quality sluice. It is very unfortunate about the edges I cannot stress enough how dangerous this is.