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2-dňové bezplatné doručenie 30-dňové bezproblémové vrátenie 12-mesačná záruka
VEVOR Kuchynská hracia súprava Detská hračka na hranie na varenie 24 dielnych doplnkov hnedá VEVOR Kuchynská hracia súprava Detská hračka na hranie na varenie 24 dielnych doplnkov hnedá VEVOR Kuchynská hracia súprava Detská hračka na hranie na varenie 24 dielnych doplnkov hnedá VEVOR Kuchynská hracia súprava Detská hračka na hranie na varenie 24 dielnych doplnkov hnedá VEVOR Kuchynská hracia súprava Detská hračka na hranie na varenie 24 dielnych doplnkov hnedá VEVOR Kuchynská hracia súprava Detská hračka na hranie na varenie 24 dielnych doplnkov hnedá VEVOR Kuchynská hracia súprava Detská hračka na hranie na varenie 24 dielnych doplnkov hnedá

VEVOR Kuchynská hracia súprava Detská hračka na hranie na varenie 24 dielnych doplnkov hnedá

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Ušetrite až 15 % s cenou PRO. Zaregistrujte sa a získajte bezplatný účet PRO.

O tejto položke

  • Realistická kuchynská súprava: Ponorte sa do sveta zábavy s našou rohovou hracou kuchynkou! Táto rohová kuchynka na hranie, navrhnutá tak, aby napodobňovala skutočné aktivity, je vybavená sporákom s realistickými svetlami a zvukmi, drezom, práčkou, rúrou, výrobníkom ľadu a mikrovlnnou rúrou. Je ideálny na podnietenie kreativity, zlepšenie jemných motorických zručností a povzbudenie tímovej práce, keď deti pripravujú chutné jedlá.
  • 24 bohatého príslušenstva: Naša kuchynská hračka obsahuje všetko, čo váš malý kuchár potrebuje: 3 nerezové lopatky, hrniec na dusenie, panvicu, dosku na krájanie, nôž na ovocie, košík na zeleninu, misku, umývadlo, hrnček na vodu, pohár na výrobu ľadu, lyžica, vidlička, nôž a 9 živých druhov ovocia a zeleniny. Vďaka tomuto doplnku je učenie o farbách, koordinácii očí a rúk a varenie zábavné a pútavé.
  • Dostatok úložného priestoru a rohový dizajn: Detská kuchynka je vybavená množstvom úložného priestoru pre priložené príslušenstvo a ďalšie hračky. Polica nad sporákom pomáha udržiavať všetko organizované, zatiaľ čo 90° rohový dizajn maximalizuje herný priestor. S rozmermi 43,3" x 31,5" x 35,8" je dostatočne priestranná na to, aby sa do nej zapojilo viacero detí. Navyše 18,8" výška pultu je akurát pre malých kuchárov, aby mohli pohodlne variť a hrať sa.
  • Bez škodlivých pachov pre bezpečnú hru: Naša kuchynka pre deti je vyrobená zo zdravotne nezávadného dreva a neškodného náteru, čo zaisťuje bezpečné prostredie pre vaše dieťa. Bez škodlivých pachov a hravým dizajnom je ideálny na hodiny zábavy. Vaša ratolesť si zamiluje žiarivé detaily a užije si nekonečné hranie s touto vysokokvalitnou súpravou vhodnou pre deti.
  • Ľahko sa zostavuje a vydrží: Táto detská drevená kuchynská súprava je vyrobená tak, aby vydržala, a dodáva sa s jasnými a jednoduchými pokynmi na rýchlu montáž. Deti aj rodičia sa môžu pustiť do zábavy bez akýchkoľvek problémov. Užite si odolnú hračku, ktorá poskytuje trvalé potešenie z hrania!

často kúpené spolu

Ľudia, ktorí si kúpili tento tovar, si taktiež kúpili

VEVOR Kuchynská hracia súprava Detská hračka na hranie na varenie 24 dielnych doplnkov hnedá
Uvarte si zábavu a kreativitu s detskou kuchynskou súpravou VEVOR
Naša kuchynská súprava poskytuje zmes zábavy a funkčnosti vďaka inovatívnemu dizajnu, robustnej konštrukcii a zdravotne nezávadným materiálom. Obsahuje realistické kuchynské funkcie, ktoré pomáhajú rozvíjať sociálne zručnosti, kreativitu a koordináciu oko-ruka vášho dieťaťa.
Táto hračka do kuchyne, navrhnutá tak, aby dokonale zapadla do každej miestnosti, má odolnú drevenú konštrukciu, ktorá vydrží a je ideálna pre deti vo veku 3-8 rokov. Je vyrobený tak, aby poskytoval nekonečnú zábavu a zároveň podporoval kreativitu a predstavivosť, vďaka čomu je skvelým doplnkom hracieho času vášho dieťaťa.
Používame vysokokvalitné drevo a neškodné farby, aby sme zaistili, že naša detská kuchynská súprava je pre vaše dieťa bezpečná. Vďaka hladkým povrchovým úpravám a robustnej konštrukcii sa môžete cítiť sebaisto a nechať svojho drobca užívať si hodiny hry.
Užite si detskú kuchynku, ktorá oživí kuchyňu realistickými zvukmi a svetlami. Funkcie ako prskajúci sporák a fungujúce spotrebiče robia hru pútavou a dynamickou, podporujú kreativitu a praktické zručnosti a zároveň podporujú sociálnu interakciu.
Táto hracia kuchynka, vybavená rôznymi doplnkami, zlepšuje koordináciu a podnecuje predstavivosť u detí starších ako 3 roky. Je navrhnutý tak, aby bolo učenie o náradí, farbách a jedlách zábavné a zároveň zlepšilo koordináciu ruka-oko a zručnosti pri varení.


Číslo modelu
Rohová kuchynská hracia súprava
drevo (melamínová doska)
Veľkosť produktu
43,3 x 31,5 x 35,8 palca/110 x 80 x 91 cm
Realistický kuchynský riad a jedlo
24 KS
Špecifikácia batérie
2 x AAA batérie (nie sú súčasťou balenia)
Hmotnosť produktu
52 libier/23,6 kg
Otázky a odpovede
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Hodnotenia zákazníkov

8 recenzie
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Stevie Stevie
A worthwhile investment in childhood imagination and grown-up's sanity!
I am the mother of 12 children and 10 of them are daughters. My boys didn't come into the picture until the end which made some things really easy. Christmas for example. I bought all the girls a great playset kitchen and a babydoll each and the whole deal. It was one big gift for all of them and they still say that was the best christmas ever ---now its been nearly 20 years. So, I am excited to review this play kitchen. We still have the other one, becaus3e I spent just a little extra to make sure it was high quality, and the triplets use it all the time, along with the grandchildren, but when I was given this opportunity to review this one I couldn't pass it up. Toys have changed drastically since I bought my last kitchen center 23 years ago! This kitchen is awesome! It is made by Vevor and comes in two options, either a corner kitchen or a straight wall kitchen. I chose the corner version. First off, it's HUGE! Like, seriously, make sure you've got the space for it. But that also means it's got everything a budding chef could ever want. We're talking oven, stove, microwave, sink... and wait for it... an ice maker! I am not kidding - so adorable! All the little munchkins - both kids and grandkids - go nuts for that thing. They love pretending to make ice coffee and smoothies. It's made of wood, which is a big plus. It feels really sturdy and well-made, unlike some of those flimsy plastic ones. And it's got tons of storage. Cabinets, shelves... you name it. Perfect for stashing all those play food and accessories. It comes with a bunch of accessories, like little plastic pots and pans, and I just went to the box store to grab some of the cheap food sets for now - I will get nicer ones as time goes by. It would have been nice maybe is the kitchen tools were also made wood or metal, bit the plastic seems to be decent enough quality. I won't deny that it can give you sticker shock at first - but it is actually very comparable to the other high-quality centers t
Caleb Meinke Caleb Meinke
Vevor Does it Again!
In my experience with Vevor to date, I’ve been incredibly impressed with the quality of the products they produce; especially when consider the “value price” points many of them come in at. This little kitchen toy is definitely not an exception! This toy is about on par with the standard kitchen play sets in the marketplace today. The walls of the toy are mostly made of pressboard, and the interactive elements are largely made of mid-grade plastics. Assembly takes a bit of effort… but from there, kids immediately have a highly interactive toy that feels like a “real kitchen” in their big imaginations. What sets this kitchen toy apart is the size and number of features it contains. For the price of the standard side-by-side kitchen set, this toy provides a four-station, corner-wrapped setup that can accommodate up to three kids at a time. It provides the “full kitchen” experience from stove to sink, and it keeps little minds engaged for extended periods. Additionally, this little kitchen just looks great! So far, this kitchen set has held up well to the daily use it has seen from our two kids, and we have little reason to think that will change anytime soon. This toy is produced with exceptional quality for the price, and it has generated a ton of fun in our household. All told, those outcomes make it hard to give this product anything other than a five star rating. Excellent stuff!
Chris Chris
Corner Wooden Play Kitchen
Upon opening the box I realized there are a lot of pieces. The wood pieces are sturdy but I would advise still be careful during assembly. My little one enjoys it.
sylvia sylvia
So cute!
We got this for my daughter’s 2nd birthday and she loves it!
Wendy Poage Wendy Poage
Grandma Approved
I purchased this toy kitchen for my granddaughter's second birthday, and it has been a hit! The kitchen has plenty of knobs and doors that have kept her engaged for hours. It is just the right size for her, allowing her to play and she can grow into it for several years. It will be a long-lasting source of fun and creativity for her and her coming sister. The quality of the toy kitchen is good, although it may not be the kind that will last for future generations. As my granddaughter and her family will be moving this summer, we plan to take it apart somewhat to ensure that it survives the move. Despite this, we have been impressed with the durability and sturdiness of the kitchen, and I have no endless hours of imaginative play for my granddaughter. Her dad, who is quite handy with projects, assembled the toy kitchen during my granddaughter's nap time. It took him about 2 hours to put it together. The assembly process was straightforward, no issues. Ultimately, my granddaughter absolutely loves her new toy kitchen and plays with it every day. I love her imagination and pretend play. I recommend this toy kitchen, It has brought lots of joy to our playtime. I’m a stingy 5 star reviewer so 4 stars it is!
kayla kayla
 Love this kitchen
Love this kitchen but I wish it came with something like food or baskets It took a full day cuz of a toddler
ymaypearl ymaypearl
Love this kitchen!
Love this kitchen! It has a lot of parts and time consuming but worth it! My granddaughter loves this kitchen. Just like her mom’s and vevor kitchen. We have to close the kitchen before we go to bed each night. My heart took several pictures.
Mrs. Pamela J. Toedter Mrs. Pamela J. Toedter
Very sturdy
Loved the realistic cooking sounds

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