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VEVOR Ride On Car Chlapčenský kočík s autíčkom pre batoľatá 1-3 roky VEVOR Ride On Car Chlapčenský kočík s autíčkom pre batoľatá 1-3 roky VEVOR Ride On Car Chlapčenský kočík s autíčkom pre batoľatá 1-3 roky VEVOR Ride On Car Chlapčenský kočík s autíčkom pre batoľatá 1-3 roky VEVOR Ride On Car Chlapčenský kočík s autíčkom pre batoľatá 1-3 roky VEVOR Ride On Car Chlapčenský kočík s autíčkom pre batoľatá 1-3 roky VEVOR Ride On Car Chlapčenský kočík s autíčkom pre batoľatá 1-3 roky

VEVOR Ride On Car Chlapčenský kočík s autíčkom pre batoľatá 1-3 roky

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  • White
  • Red
  • Pink
  • Red-and-Blue

O tejto položke

  • Vhodné pre deti vo veku 1 až 3 roky: Toto jazdné autíčko, navrhnuté len pre deti vo veku 1 až 3 roky, im pomáha budovať rovnováhu a zároveň vyzerá super štýlovo. Mamičky budú radi voziť svoje deti von s týmto skvelým kočíkom!
  • 48,5 lbs/22 kg Silná nosnosť: Vyrobené z pevného, ​​nárazuvzdorného PP materiálu a s robustným štvorkolesovým dizajnom, toto autíčko pre batoľatá unesie až 48,5 lbs/22 kg. Je skonštruovaná tak, aby vydržala a poskytla vášmu dieťaťu nekonečnú zábavu.
  • Dynamická hudba do auta: Naša jazda pre batoľatá na volante hračiek hrá veselé detské pesničky jednoduchým stlačením tlačidla a pridáva tak ďalšiu radosť z hrania. Hladký dizajn volantu navyše uľahčuje a pohodlne riadi vaše dieťa.
  • Vstavaný skrytý úložný priestor: Autíčko pre batoľatá má praktický úložný priestor pod sedadlom, ktorý je ideálny na odkladanie hračiek, fliaš s vodou, vreckoviek a ďalších vecí, keď ste vonku. Je to skvelý spôsob, ako pomôcť vášmu dieťaťu naučiť sa udržiavať poriadok.
  • Anti-Backward Design: Bezpečnosť na prvom mieste! Autíčko má široké operadlo a podpornú tyč proti vzad v zadnej časti, aby sa vaše dieťa počas jazdy neprevrátilo. Vychutnajte si pokoj, kým vaše ratolesť jazdí okolo.

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VEVOR Ride On Car Chlapčenský kočík s autíčkom pre batoľatá 1-3 roky
VEVOR Ride On Push Car – Dôveryhodný spoločník vášho dieťaťa
Toto autíčko určené pre batoľatá vo veku 1 až 3 roky im pomáha precvičovať rovnováhu a robí pohyb okolo nich zábavným a jednoduchým.
Vďaka robustnej štvorkolesovej konštrukcii sa táto jazda na aute pre batoľatá hladko kĺže po asfalte, tráve a chodníkoch a udržuje vaše dieťa v bezpečí.
Volant autíčka pre batoľatá má hudobné tlačidlo, ktoré hrá veselé melódie a pridáva tak ďalšiu zábavu, keď vaše dieťa jazdí. Hladký dizajn bez otrepov zaisťuje, že nepoškriabe jemnú pokožku vášho dieťaťa.
Autíčko je navrhnuté s úložným boxom pod sedadlom na hračky, vreckovky, fľaše s vodou a ďalšie nevyhnutné veci, ktoré pomáhajú vášmu dieťaťu osvojiť si dobré skladovacie návyky.
Toto autíčko pre batoľatá má chrbtovú opierku a podpornú tyč proti prevráteniu, aby sa zabránilo prevráteniu, takže vaše dieťa zostane počas hry v bezpečí.


Číslo modelu položky
48,5 lbs/22 kg
Hmotnosť produktu
3,41 libier/1,55 kg
Veľkosť produktu
20,08 x 9,84 x 17,72 palca/51 x 25 x 45 cm
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Hodnotenia zákazníkov

8 recenzie
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So cute!
Our son absolutely loves this car! It's really cute and he has a great time playing with it. It has held up well to almost daily use and seems fairly sturdy. It works great and isn't too loud. It was fairly easy to put together and the instructions were clear. My only complaint is that the string holding the little phone should be a stretchy spiral material so that the kids can use it while standing because it's a little too short otherwise, even while they're sitting on it. Otherwise, I think this is a great toy for the price!
Brittani Johnson Brittani Johnson
Ride on Push Car
This little ride on/push car has been great for our baby learning to walk. Riding on it is fun for the older sibling while pushing it has been great for developing walking skills for the younger sibling. The colors are bright and vibrant and great for young kids. The buttons are lots of fun as well. The only downside was the assembly of this car, I don't love that it came in as many pieces and needed more assembly than I was expecting. The instructions also weren't great, I had my husband step in and help me out and between the two of us we eventually got it all figured out but it was more hassle than I would have liked. Other than that, it has been lots of fun for our family.
Jamie W Jamie W
A lot of fun
This car is so much fun. This moves easily and is simple to maneuver. There is a storage compartment under the seat. The seat is roomy with some space to grow. The car takes 2 AA batteries. The steering wheel has 3 different sounds. The car horn, the car starting, and a variety of songs. This would make a great gift. Would recommend.
L. Metzger L. Metzger
Cute ride-on toy
This push car is cute and fun. It did require some assembly, including installing the stickers onto the plastic truck. I like that it has the features to help keep it from tipping over, and it rolls easily on our hardwood floors.
Fire truck ride-on toy.
It's a great little ride-on truck.
S. A. M. S. A. M.
Awesome little car once it's put together.
You'll need to put this VEVOR Ride On Push Car together so have a screwdriver handy. The instructions just aren't that helpful. They are actually annoying. It's literally a one page picture with numbers you have to follow. There's writing in the instructions however it's an entire page just talking about the batteries. Which are not included. You'll need two AA. The batteries are for the steering wheel. It makes three sounds. One that \"starts the car\", one that \"honks the horn\" and a third one that plays a handful of songs. Some of the songs are quite long. The seat opens up to a storage compartment. Speaking of the seat, it's long enough to hold two small children. The support stand rubs on the floor as the car moves so we didn't feel comfortable using it on our hardwood floor. Kiddos are fans.
Juan Juan
This I couldn't wait for me nephew to try. As soon as I presented it he came waddling over and got on. It's safe and really cute. He's styling lol.
Brandon Brandon
Lovely toy
This car toy is so lovely and my boy loves it a lot! It's very easy for me to assemble all the components and it has the just nice size for my boy to ride on it. The colorful design is very attractive. Hopefully it can be durable and last long.

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