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Stiahnite si aplikáciu VEVOR
5,00€ zľava na prvých tri objednávky a sledovanie objednávky kdekoľvek!
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Stavebnica VEVOR Stan Fort pre deti STEM Stavebná súprava hračiek Castle 120KS Stavebnica VEVOR Stan Fort pre deti STEM Stavebná súprava hračiek Castle 120KS Stavebnica VEVOR Stan Fort pre deti STEM Stavebná súprava hračiek Castle 120KS Stavebnica VEVOR Stan Fort pre deti STEM Stavebná súprava hračiek Castle 120KS Stavebnica VEVOR Stan Fort pre deti STEM Stavebná súprava hračiek Castle 120KS Stavebnica VEVOR Stan Fort pre deti STEM Stavebná súprava hračiek Castle 120KS Stavebnica VEVOR Stan Fort pre deti STEM Stavebná súprava hračiek Castle 120KS

Stavebnica VEVOR Stan Fort pre deti STEM Stavebná súprava hračiek Castle 120KS

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120 KS

  • 180 KS
  • 120 KS
  • 140 KS
  • 85 KS

O tejto položke

  • Bezpečné materiály: Naša stavebnica na stavbu pevnosti uprednostňuje prírodné materiály pre bezpečnosť detí. Spojovacie tyče a guľôčky neobsahujú BPA, s hladkými hranami a pohodlným úchopom, ktorý zlepšuje motoriku. Prichádzajú v žiarivých farbách, aby stimulovali kognitívny vývoj.
  • 120-dielna stavebnica pevnosti: Preskúmajte nekonečné možnosti s našou detskou stavebnicou na stavbu pevnosti! Obsahuje 40 pevných guľôčok a 80 ľahkých, ale odolných spojovacích tyčí. Ideálne pre deti od 4 rokov na vytváranie vlastných 3D priestorov – stavajte pevnosti, stany, pyramídy, rakety a ďalšie pod vedením rodičov.
  • Jednoduchá montáž: Naša súprava na stavbu pevnosti obsahuje spojovacie tyče oválneho tvaru pre flexibilnú a bezpečnú montáž. Dodáva sa s ľahko zrozumiteľným montážnym návodom, ktorý deťom uľahčí začiatky.
  • Ideálne pre vonkajšie použitie: Táto súprava pevnosti je vhodná pre vnútorné aj vonkajšie hry. Dodáva sa s úložným vakom a sponami na prikrývku pre vonkajšie dobrodružstvá. Urobte si so svojím dieťaťom rôzne štruktúry, ktoré podporujú silné putá medzi rodičmi a deťmi a nekonečnú rodinnú zábavu.
  • Vzdelávací darček: Naša súprava na výrobu pevnosti, obľúbená na celom svete ako hračka STEM, podporuje priestorové povedomie a podnecuje kreativitu. Je krásne zabalený, takže je ideálnym darčekom na Vianoce, Nový rok, narodeniny, Halloween, darčeky k promócii alebo akúkoľvek špeciálnu príležitosť.

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Stavebnica VEVOR Stan Fort pre deti STEM Stavebná súprava hračiek Castle 120KS
120 KS
Stavebnica pevnosti VEVOR – rozpútajte kreatívne dobrodružstvá
Naša stavebnica na stavbu pevnosti je navrhnutá tak, aby v deťoch podnecovala kreativitu a predstavivosť. Obsahuje množstvo komponentov pre nekonečné stavebné možnosti.
Stavebnica detskej pevnosti VEVOR pomáha deťom oživiť abstraktné nápady, od jednoduchých plochých návrhov až po zložité 3D štruktúry. Podporuje schopnosť riešiť problémy a kreatívne myslenie.
Užite si skvelú hodnotu s našou súpravou na stavbu pevnosti VEVOR. Obsahuje extra kusy, robustnú konštrukciu (bez BPA) a dodáva sa s praktickým úložným vreckom a sponami na prikrývku.
Pomocou sprievodcu stavaním našej súpravy pevnosti môžete vytvárať jaskyne, tunely, pevnosti, rakety, stany a ďalšie. Je to skvelý spôsob, ako sa spojiť so svojím dieťaťom a podnietiť jeho predstavivosť.
Naša súprava na výrobu pevnosti je ideálna pre deti od 4 rokov, ideálne na narodeniny, sviatky a špeciálne príležitosti. Je to darček, ktorý ich odradí od obrazoviek a popustí uzdu ich fantázii!


Číslo modelu položky
Celkový počet kusov
Počet tyčí
Počet loptičiek
Hmotnosť produktu
5,5 libier/2,53 kg
Veľkosť balenia
16,9 x 5,1 x 10,6 palca/430 x 130 x 270 mm
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Hodnotenia zákazníkov

14 recenzie
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Jason McGarrity Jason McGarrity
Stem building activity for kids
Got this new toy for my son to play with. It comes with a lot of different pieces to use to build not only forts but anything else he can come up with. The pieces fit well together and it is easy for a young child to use with minimal help. I am excited to see all the creations he comes up with using this toy.
Laura N Laura N
Fun and encourages creativity
This is fun for kids and adults alike. Building toys encourage creativity and get the mind working. And it distracts from electronic devices in a way that kids are excited about. They can build, take apart, build, lay sheets over it to make forts, etc. Possibilities are endless.
Laura Laura
Super Fun Fort Set!
My five-year-old son absolutely loves this set! I had to help him set it up. We chose the igloo option. Note that you have to position the balls correctly in order to have the right angles (sometimes it took me a few tries to get it right). You will need to add your own blankets or sheets to create the fort. I really like that there are plenty of rods and balls included so you can make a variety of different options. It's also a good value - it would make a nice gift!
Anna Anna
Fun Building
This is read set for my toddler to build her own fort. We laid a bedsheet over it to create a tent. She was so happy. This is made well. And produces a lot of fun.
Doc Mitchum Doc Mitchum
Fort Making Kit
What a neat idea! This is great to have for when the grandkids come over. Easy to assemble and they have so much fun playing with these.
Alice Alice
It was loads of fun watching them play cooperatively!!
VEVOR Fort Building Kit for Kids, 120PCS STEM Building Toys, Educational Gift for 4 5 6 7 8+ Year Old Boys & Girls, Indoor Outdoor Play Tent Builder Set Construction Toys with 80 Rods and 40 Balls is so much fun! The kids loved playing with it. First, they enjoyed the building process, in which they made an igloo, and then modified it to include a tunnel and flags and other creative parts. Then, they crawled through it and played for over an hour. They wanted to keep it up to play the next day. No requests for TV or other electronics, either! It was loads of fun watching them play cooperatively!!
RJOjudy RJOjudy
It's great for kids.
This is perfect for kids who love to build forts. Mine were taking the couch cushions and their planets to make fort houses. I knew I needed something else. This is perfect because it can make any shape they need. The forts are easy to assemble and hold up well with blankets over the top. It's great for kids.
Great price
My grandson couldn't wait to open this box, and he immediately started building a "gift." The pieces are sized for small hands and there are no sharp or hard edges. The pieces are also easy for little ones to put together and pull apart to make new creations. There are so many varieties of structures you can make with the number of parts you get. Great price for a toy that will get lots of use and will likely be passed down to other kids in the family.
wendy123 wendy123
This build set is well worth the consideration.
This is a great playset for one on one interaction and quality time with my grandson. From the VEVOR Store, this Fort Building Kit for Kids, 120PCS STEM Building Toys, Educational Gift for 4 5 6 7 8+ Year Old Boys & Girls, Indoor Outdoor Play Tent Builder Set Construction Toys with 80 Rods and 40 Balls is wonderfully prepared. There is quite a bit of value here. The build set is good the pieces supplied are plentifully to either construct with the examples or create your own from imagination. Although, seemingly the sticks are of a thinner grade, there is some durability and sturdiness to hold the weight of a flat sheet. However, the real value of it all is the ability for hands-on creativity, and the time spent with a loved one, is more the value that is most cherished. Overall an affordable and with quality in mind. This build set is well worth the consideration.
Lincoln Lincoln
Makes for a good gift for the right kid.
It takes a lot of space to store and place to play with. Lots of pieces! It's a little hard sometimes to stick the pieces and have it stay up stable. It is fun and creative, definitely not for all kids. Some will love it more than others especially those who have some patience. Not super easy to assemble. Worth okay money. Makes for a good gift for the right kid.

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