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Palubný 12V vzduchový kompresor VEVOR 150PSI 3,5CFM prenosný offroadový hustič pneumatík Palubný 12V vzduchový kompresor VEVOR 150PSI 3,5CFM prenosný offroadový hustič pneumatík Palubný 12V vzduchový kompresor VEVOR 150PSI 3,5CFM prenosný offroadový hustič pneumatík Palubný 12V vzduchový kompresor VEVOR 150PSI 3,5CFM prenosný offroadový hustič pneumatík Palubný 12V vzduchový kompresor VEVOR 150PSI 3,5CFM prenosný offroadový hustič pneumatík Palubný 12V vzduchový kompresor VEVOR 150PSI 3,5CFM prenosný offroadový hustič pneumatík

Palubný 12V vzduchový kompresor VEVOR 150PSI 3,5CFM prenosný offroadový hustič pneumatík

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5,00€ zľava na prvých tri objednávky a sledovanie objednávky kdekoľvek!
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5,00€ zľava na prvých tri objednávky a sledovanie objednávky kdekoľvek!
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O tejto položke

  • Vysoká kvalita a odolnosť: Váži 10,8 libier, vzduchový kompresor VEVOR je vybavený 100% motorom s guľôčkovým ložiskom, tvrdým eloxovaným hliníkovým valcom a PTFE teflónovým tesnením piestu pre extra dlhú životnosť, nízke teplo a tichú prevádzku, poskytuje pokoj na cestách a mimo -cestovanie.
  • Jednoduchá inštalácia: Palubný vzduchový kompresor VEVOR má kompaktnú veľkosť, s kompletnou sadou inštalačného príslušenstva, dá sa ľahko nainštalovať pod kapotu auta a je dostatočne tichý na montáž do kabíny. Odolné náradie pre každého nového nadšenca off-roadu.
  • Rýchle hustenie: Maximálny prietok vzduchu – 3,5 CFM, má dostatočný výkon na prevzdušnenie štyroch 35- až 37-palcových pneumatík v jedinom pracovnom cykle a zvyčajne nafúknutie 35-palcovej pneumatiky na plnú kapacitu len za 2 až 5 minút.
  • Široká kompatibilita: Nastavenie prítlaku kolies pre rôzne terénne podmienky, Kompatibilita so vzduchovým náradím, vzduchovými klaksónmi, skrinkami, nafukovacím kempingovým príslušenstvom, tento vzduchový kompresor dokáže pracovať alebo hrať.
  • Balenie obsahuje: Kompletne zostavený vzduchový kompresor; Kompletné zaklapnutie káblového zväzku; OEM kvalitný izolačný spínač kompresora; Menovitý tlakový spínač napájania skrinky; Vzduchový filter odolný voči striekajúcej vode s umývateľnou filtračnou vložkou zo sintrovaného bronzu s vysokým prietokom; Montážny materiál s výstužnou opornou doskou.

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Palubný 12V vzduchový kompresor VEVOR 150PSI 3,5CFM prenosný offroadový hustič pneumatík
Nikdy sa nemusíte obávať defektu pneumatiky na ceste!
VEVOR uviedol do života vynikajúci bezolejový dvojvalcový 12V vzduchový kompresor. Vzduchový kompresor bol navrhnutý pre ľudí cestujúcich v teréne, ktorí vyžadujú rýchly a prenosný vzduchový kompresor. Ideálne sa hodí na hustenie pneumatík osobných a nákladných vozidiel alebo alternatívne aplikácie.
Kľúčové vlastnosti
Pohodlné použitie
Vzduchová hadica s dĺžkou 18 FT dosiahne všade tam, kde je to potrebné.
Stabilná prevádzka
Protišmykové gumené nožičky zvýšia stabilitu a zabezpečia minimálny pohyb.
Viacnásobné trysky
Dodáva sa s tromi rôznymi tryskami pre vaše použitie.


12 V DC
Maximálny tlak
150 PSI
Max. prietok
3,5 CFM/ 100 l/min
Maximálny prúd
32 ampérov
Pracovný cyklus
52 minút pri 100 PSI
Maximálna prevádzková teplota
221°F / 105℃
Napájací kábel
10 stôp/3 m
Gumová vzduchová hadica
18 stôp/5,5 m
Odkaz na stiahnutie
Otázky a odpovede
3 Otázky
is a handlle a small air tank? can i conect a differential locker on it?
Couplings and pressure switches can be connected to it.
Autor vevor
It is not suitable for pumping tractor tires.
Autor vevor
Which is the better air compressor PUMP?there 2 150psi?
Hello, the maximum flow rates of the two products are different.
Autor vevor

Hodnotenia zákazníkov

12 recenzie
Vymazať filtre
Emilio Novoa Liceaga Emilio Novoa Liceaga
Best budget friendly on-board air compressor
I have only two things to say about this product. Small and Powerful. Because of how small it is I was able to mount it inside my Colorado engine bay, all wiring was a very straight forward process (if you have done off-road lights wiring is a piece of cake) but the most impressive thing is that I'm able to inflate four 33s from 15psi to 35psi in about 8 min in a single cycle. I bought this on a sale so I feel that it was a complete barging. The only downs side of it and the reason I'm giving 4 stars is that it comes with European air connectors so you will need to buy a coupler adapter from EUR to US if you have already an splitter. Overall a very very solid product.
Richard S. Richard S.
Tested before mounting. I lowered my 35s down to 20psi. Purchased a 4 way air hose and connected to the tire stems. This compressor had all 4 tires at 39psi in under 10 minutes. The compressor is perfect for mounting under the hood.
Richard Stafford Richard Stafford
Epic for the price
Essentially an ARB compressor with 150psi and auto shutoff. Great buy.
CarmelSteve CarmelSteve
Well Made Product
Got this to install as an onboard compressor for a Wrangler. The compressor works pretty well and fills a 33 inch tire from 25 psi to 37 in a little under 2 minutes. Notably, the motor is barely warm, but the small air tank and the pump do get pretty warm, which is typical. The one thing that is notable on this pump is that it is not plug and play for this application. Because it has a small air tank, you must run the power thru a pressure cutoff switch, which comes with it. The instructions that come with it are very confusing and don't apply to using it for a regular compressor. What I had to do was cut all of the insulation around the wiring, re-label all of the wires, and hook it up accordingly. If you are not knowledgeable about 12 volt wiring, this might not be your best bet for a compressor. With that said, it was crazy cheap for the quality. It is well made and less than half than what looks like the identical product from ARB.
Robert Lanyon Robert Lanyon
Air compressor
I love this little air compressor. It works great. Fills all four of my tires up from 15 lb to 35 in about 10 minutes. Worth the money for sure. Thanks have a great day
Super Mutant Super Mutant
This little compressor is great. It's quieter than the blue name brand one and the wiring diagram that came with it was easy enough for me to get it up and running.
gdgardner gdgardner
Compressor Gold harness trash
First the compressor is fast. Faster then my viair. Pulled the valve stem on my 32inch canam tire. Completely flat. 0-20psi 58secs. Now the bad. That harness is not usable as shipped. You will need to make ur own harness to connect the switch, relay, psi switch and compressor. I use switch pros solid state relays in all my toys. So pos to psi switch to compressor. Ground to ground. The orange tank can be clocked to point where u need it to. I removed blk plug and put my hose out there and psi switch on the norm out. Will update after some use. But at $100 u can burn up 2 and buy a third and still be ahead.
Raul Cruz Rojo Raul Cruz Rojo
Conpre el compresor y estoy satisfecho me funciono muy bien lo puse en una jeep 4x4
Si me agrado estoy contento
Russ Russ
The compressor was of decent quality and price, it did not come with any kind of wiring instructions, luckily I was only using it for airing up after going off road. If I had to figure out all the wires for front and rear lockers, it would have NEVER happened. I contacted support 3 times with no help, the response I got was "that information was not available". I would purchase from Vevor again and hope that I never needed support. ~Russ
Duke Duke
I suppose it looks like it would work if I added it to my vehicle and to do that I would need an engineering degree. Easy not to install if your not equipped with the knowledge. I suppose I could spend $200 an hour to have it installed.

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