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2-dňové bezplatné doručenie 30-dňové bezproblémové vrátenie 12-mesačná záruka
Palubný 12V vzduchový kompresor VEVOR 150PSI 6CFM prenosný offroadový hustič pneumatík Palubný 12V vzduchový kompresor VEVOR 150PSI 6CFM prenosný offroadový hustič pneumatík Palubný 12V vzduchový kompresor VEVOR 150PSI 6CFM prenosný offroadový hustič pneumatík Palubný 12V vzduchový kompresor VEVOR 150PSI 6CFM prenosný offroadový hustič pneumatík Palubný 12V vzduchový kompresor VEVOR 150PSI 6CFM prenosný offroadový hustič pneumatík Palubný 12V vzduchový kompresor VEVOR 150PSI 6CFM prenosný offroadový hustič pneumatík

Palubný 12V vzduchový kompresor VEVOR 150PSI 6CFM prenosný offroadový hustič pneumatík

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Ušetrite až 15 % s cenou PRO. Zaregistrujte sa a získajte bezplatný účet PRO.

O tejto položke

  • Rýchle hustenie: Vysokovýkonný vzduchový kompresor VEVOR 12v je vybavený bezolejovým motorom s výkonom 0,7 hp, ktorý dokáže rýchlo nafúknuť pneumatiky a zabezpečiť prietok vzduchu 6,0 CFM. Napumpovanie jednej pneumatiky 235/85R16 z 20PSI na 36PSI trvá iba 1 minútu; menej ako 3 minúty z 0PSI na 36PSI.
  • Vnútorná tepelná ochrana: Vnútorná tepelná ochrana proti poškodeniu extrémnymi teplotami a 45% maximálny nepretržitý čas cyklu, off-roadový vzduchový kompresor VEVOR ľahko zvládne časté nafukovacie úlohy, aby zvládol akýkoľvek terén pre nadšencov off-roadu.
  • Jednoduché použitie: Dodáva sa s dlhou cievkou na vzduchovú hadicu a taškou na prenášanie, ktorá výrazne rozširuje rozsah nafukovania a zároveň zaisťuje pohodlie a poriadok pri skladovaní. 1/4 NPT Nasadenie a skrutkovacie skľučovadlo zaisťujú rýchle pripojenie k pneumatikám, bez problémov s nákupom ďalšieho príslušenstva.
  • Široké aplikácie: Tento prenosný hustič pneumatík so vzduchovým kompresorom je vhodný pre terénne vozidlá, 4x4 SUV, nákladné autá, dodávky, RV a možno ho použiť aj pre motocykle, bicykle, lopty a iné rekreačné zariadenia, ako je nafukovacia posteľ.
  • Všetko, čo potrebujete: 12V vzduchový kompresor x 1, napájací kábel 10 stôp s batériovými svorkami x 1, 26 stôp vzduchová hadica x 1, adaptér trysky x 3, skrutkovacie skľučovadlo x 1, úložné vrecko x 1. Vždy buďte pripravení na drsnú krajinu s VEVOR 150PSI vzduchový kompresor vo vašom aute.

často kúpené spolu

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Palubný 12V vzduchový kompresor VEVOR 150PSI 6CFM prenosný offroadový hustič pneumatík
Nikdy sa nemusíte obávať defektu pneumatiky na ceste!
VEVOR uviedol do života vynikajúci bezolejový dvojvalcový 12V vzduchový kompresor. Vzduchový kompresor bol navrhnutý pre ľudí cestujúcich v teréne, ktorí vyžadujú rýchly a prenosný vzduchový kompresor. Ideálne sa hodí na hustenie pneumatík osobných a nákladných vozidiel alebo alternatívne aplikácie.
Kľúčové vlastnosti
Pohodlné použitie
Vzduchová hadica s dĺžkou 26 ft dosiahnete všade tam, kde je to potrebné.
Stabilná prevádzka
Protišmykové gumené nožičky zvýšia stabilitu a zabezpečia minimálny pohyb.
Viacnásobné trysky
Dodáva sa s tromi rôznymi tryskami pre vaše použitie.


12 V DC
Maximálny tlak
150 PSI
Max. prietok
6 CFM / 170 l/min
Maximálny prúd
45 ampérov
Pracovný cyklus
45 minút pri 40 PSI
Maximálna prevádzková teplota
221 °F / 105 ℃
Výkon motora
0,7 HP
Napájací kábel
10 stôp / 3 m
Gumová vzduchová hadica
26 stôp / 7,9 m
Otázky a odpovede
3 Otázky
No, this product cannot inflate tractor tires.
Autor vevor
No, this product is not suitable for tractors.
Autor vevor
1 bar este 14,5 PSI, 150 PSI este 10,35 bar, deci presiunea produsului este de 10,35 bar.
Autor vevor

Hodnotenia zákazníkov

35 recenzie
Vymazať filtre
It was brought has a gift, since I've already have a similar compressor. Seen used once, it had the expected speed, inflating a small 29' 4x4 tire from almost zero to 26 psi in a maybe 30 seconds. The quality it's 4/5, because (as all compressors of this kind that I've seen), the pressure reader is completly uselless.
Swedish Offroader Swedish Offroader
High value for money
Has been performing great, very happy with it, and it has been used a few times and does what it should...
Teacherbloke Teacherbloke
This is quite a bit more powerful than all the others i had tried. Well made and works a treat. Shame there is no one way valve in the line, you have to check the pressure then turn it on to inflate tyres, but inflates quickly.
Thijs Thijs
Quick, powerful compressor
There are numerous clones of this type of compressor, but I found a good price at Vevor, so I went for it. Here is what I found: Pros: The compressor comes well packed. A storage bag is also included. It is perfectly sized to hold the unit and hose. The unit feels sturdy and is all metal, except the airfilter/intake cover, which is plastic. The compressor is very powerful. It inflates small car tires REALLY quickly, much faster than tire filling facilities at a gas station (here in The Netherlands at least). The tires of a VW Crafter van are also no problem at all! The included hose is also long enough to reach the back tires. But keep your engine running and place the power clamps properly, because it will draw a lot of current! The power cables are ok. They are quite flexible. But they're not something I'd run 45A through continuously. I guess combined with the 14.4V of today's cars and the max 13.8V input voltage of the pump it all fits. The noise is quite tolerable, less than I expected. Cons: I suspect the pressure gauge is not very accurate and calibrated. it showed about 2.8 bar for my small car tires, which are at 2.4 bar tops. And for the van tires it showed about 5.0 bar instead of the 4.0 bar the compressor at the gas station showed. The air nozzles were missing. The gauge on my version doesn't have a deflation collar on the back like the manual states. Instead, it has a brass release valve on the pump itself between the air filter/intake and the carrying handle. This probably works as an overpressure valve as well, so you can you the unit for different purposes. There is no shutter near the gauge, so as soon as you switch the pump on, pressured air will flow. This is a bit cumbersome when you're working on the rear tires of a large van and there is 5 meters between the gauge and the on/off switch.
Didn't arrive
Didn't buy, would not post to my location
Caz - Scotland Caz - Scotland
Fast Pump & Great Build
I got one of these bad boys about 10 years ago and was really impressed!! Well built and fastest car pump I have ever had.This is a bit bigger than standard 12v car dash power supply pumps so better suited for keeping in a garage or for the serious 4x4 user who wants to fill a tyre quick These are fully serviceable too, if you are practical/handy that is. I know because sadly, 2 years ago, the wire in mine broke as it enters the housing. I finally got round to fixing it and it's going a great again Best pump I ever had and will be going for years yet!
Filippo Filippo
Compressore gonfiaggio gomme fuoristrada
Ottimo prodotto, molto potente.
Andrea Millo Andrea Millo
Silenzioso, trasportabile, gonfiaggio veloce
Ben fatto, gonfiaggio veloce, avrei preferito il cavo di alimentazione un p pi lungo, ma con il tubo dell'aria si raggiungono comodamente le 4 ruote
Caz - Scotland Caz - Scotland
Fast Pump & Great Build
I got one of these bad boys about 10 years ago and was really impressed!! Well built and fastest car pump I have ever had.This is a bit bigger than standard 12v car dash power supply pumps so better suited for keeping in a garage or for the serious 4x4 user who wants to fill a tyre quick ?These are fully serviceable too, if you are practical/handy that is. I know because sadly, 2 years ago, the wire in mine broke as it enters the housing. I finally got round to fixing it and it's going a great again ?Best pump I ever had and will be going for years yet!
Rob in Ireland Rob in Ireland
Good product, prompt service
Very impressed - the pump arrived in quick time from Germany to Ireland, postage charges were minimal, and the product is an excellent heavy duty air compressor that works really well. Altogether a good buy.

Ľudia, ktorí si prezerali túto položku, si tiež prezerali

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