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VEVOR 1,3 l ultrazvukový čistič 50 W čistiaceho stroja s časovačom a ohrievačom 40 kHz VEVOR 1,3 l ultrazvukový čistič 50 W čistiaceho stroja s časovačom a ohrievačom 40 kHz VEVOR 1,3 l ultrazvukový čistič 50 W čistiaceho stroja s časovačom a ohrievačom 40 kHz VEVOR 1,3 l ultrazvukový čistič 50 W čistiaceho stroja s časovačom a ohrievačom 40 kHz VEVOR 1,3 l ultrazvukový čistič 50 W čistiaceho stroja s časovačom a ohrievačom 40 kHz VEVOR 1,3 l ultrazvukový čistič 50 W čistiaceho stroja s časovačom a ohrievačom 40 kHz VEVOR 1,3 l ultrazvukový čistič 50 W čistiaceho stroja s časovačom a ohrievačom 40 kHz

VEVOR 1,3 l ultrazvukový čistič 50 W čistiaceho stroja s časovačom a ohrievačom 40 kHz

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O tejto položke

  • Výkonný čistiaci výkon: Ultrazvukový čistič VEVOR pracuje na ultra vysokej frekvencii 40 kHz a vytvára milióny malých bubliniek, ktoré explodujú vo vode a uvoľňujú silnú čistiacu energiu. Táto energia prenikne do každej štrbiny, dôkladne odstráni odolné škvrny z jemných častí a zabezpečí, že žiadna oblasť nezostane nevyčistená.
  • Pokročilá technológia prevodníka: Účinný prevodník v kombinácii s ultrazvukovými rázovými vlnami okamžite rozkladá tvrdú mastnotu. S 360° čistením presných nástrojov ľahko odstraňuje odolnú špinu a olej bez poškodenia predmetov. Či už ide o každodenné predmety alebo potreby profesionálneho čistenia, môžete ho použiť s istotou.
  • Vyhrievané čistenie: Pre rôzne predmety, ako sú šperky, hodinky/elektronické príslušenstvo a priemyselné súčiastky s vysokou mastnotou, môžete regulovať teplotu čistenia od 0 do 80 °C, aby ste urýchlili rozpúšťanie nečistôt. To poskytuje efektívnejšie a cielenejšie výsledky čistenia. Vysokoteplotný režim rýchlo odbúrava odolnú mastnotu, zatiaľ čo nízkoteplotný režim jemne chráni citlivé materiály.
  • Vynikajúca kvalita: Vyrobený z košov z nehrdzavejúcej ocele 304 a vnútorných komôr odolných voči korózii a opotrebovaniu, dodávaný kôš zabraňuje poškriabaniu počas čistenia. Prenosná rukoväť a pohodlný dizajn odvodnenia uľahčujú a zjednodušujú obsluhu, pričom každý detail je navrhnutý tak, aby poskytoval výnimočný zážitok z čistenia.
  • Široká použiteľnosť: Od vzácnych šperkov až po zložité automobilové diely a každodenné okuliare, tento ultrazvukový čistič si ľahko poradí so všetkým. Či už ste profesionálny mechanik, laboratórny výskumník alebo bežný používateľ, tento ultrazvukový čistič dielov je vaším spoľahlivým pomocníkom.

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VEVOR 1,3 l ultrazvukový čistič 50 W čistiaceho stroja s časovačom a ohrievačom 40 kHz
Ultrazvukový čistič VEVOR: Výkonné, efektívne čistenie bez námahy!
Ultrazvuková čistička využíva profesionálne metódy čistenia, ktoré sa starostlivo starajú o rôzne predmety, chránia ich integritu a kvalitu a zaisťujú, že váš majetok zostane žiarivý a trblietavý.
Využitím pokročilej technológie prevodníka generujú 40 kHz ultrazvukové vlny milióny malých čistiacich bublín, ktoré prenikajú povrchmi a štrbinami a dôkladne odstraňujú nečistoty bez poškodenia vzhľadu alebo kvality predmetu.
Tento ultrazvukový čistič vyrobený s vysokokvalitnými nádržami z nehrdzavejúcej ocele 304 zaisťuje trvalú odolnosť a zároveň poskytuje konzistentné výsledky čistenia a ponúka vám dlhodobú používateľskú skúsenosť.
Digitálny ovládací panel ponúka pohodlnú obsluhu a umožňuje vám presne nastaviť čas a teplotu čistenia na základe potrieb rôznych položiek, čím sa maximalizuje účinnosť čistenia, aby sa splnili osobné požiadavky.
Tento čistič je vhodný nielen na komerčné použitie, ale je tiež široko použiteľný v laboratóriách, karburátoroch, obvodových doskách, zubárskom vybavení, šperkoch, okuliaroch, hodinkách, riade a pod.


Ultrazvukový výkon
Vykurovací výkon
Hladina hluku
≤ 75 dB
Čas kontroly
0-30 minút
Teplotný rozsah
Rozmery vnútornej nádrže z nehrdzavejúcej ocele
153 x 140 x 65 mm (hrúbka steny
Ultrazvukový prevodník
1 KS
Dĺžka napájacieho kábla
1,5 m
Hmotnosť produktu
1,81 kg
Rozmery produktu
180 x 165 x 218 mm
Otázky a odpovede
Typické otázky o produktoch: Je produkt odolný? ...

Hodnotenia zákazníkov

Hodnotenia podľa funkcií

  • 4.8
  • 4.6
  • 4.6
  • 4.7
  • Pozrieť viac Pozri Menej
33 recenzie
Vymazať filtre
Steven Steven
Just the right size
I can fit 4 carburetors in it at the same time. If I had to think of a drawback, it'd be the length of time it takes to heat up. It is 10 liters though.
Steven Steven
It was a little too small.
I sold it on ebay for just about what I paid for it, and bought the bigger one. The 3 liter unit would be perfect for jewelry, but I need to do carburetors.
Pat Wynne Pat Wynne
Good deal
Works good as it should happy with purchase
Limey Limey
Does a nice job
Particularly good for lens cleaning and cutlery. Rust removal with vinager.
crystalnicole crystalnicole
Great product
Does everything I need it to do.
Daniel Daniel
Big enough for larger items
I've had a number of these now, and they all work about the same. But this is the first that is big enough for larger items. Been using this for things like sunglasses and pocket knives, but primarily for large resin/plastic parts from figures in order to prep them for priming and painting. A lot of the figures you order online for cheap tend to have various oily residues on them, and that prevents paint from sticking. This cleaner works perfectly with some alcohol to wash the parts first.
christopher.robot christopher.robot
Great little ultrasonic.
This little unit is great. I've owned lots of import ultrasonics - they all have their pros and cons. The ones with drains are nice when it's time to empty - but the drains are plastic inside and can crack and leak. This one doesn't have a drain, but it's such small capacity it's not really an issue. I love the smaller units for job-specific cleaning, to prevent cross-contamination and wasted cleanser. This one is better than most this size, as they often have baskets that don't really fit.
Crazy Dog Lady Crazy Dog Lady
Amazing Results!
I got this Vevor Ultrasonic Cleaner in the 2 liter size for cleaning my jewelry and glasses. Not only does this ultrasonic cleaner seem to be more powerful than the other ultrasonic cleaners I've owned in the past, but this one also has an easy-to-use water temperature control as well as a timer. The temperature of the water can be adjusted up to 80 degrees Celsius, or 176 degrees Fahrenheit to optimize cleaning. The timer is also a convenient feature as it is nice to not have to watch the clock while using this machine. This unit in the 2 liter size is compact but still large enough to clean jewelry or glasses. I use a mixture of water and jewelry cleaning solution to clean my jewelry, and it comes out looking just as good as it does when I have taken it to the jeweler to have it cleaned. My husband remarked that he has never seen my jewelry as sparkly as it does after using this ultrasonic cleaner, and I have to agree with him! I am very happy with this ultrasonic cleaner, and recommend it.
FunLuvr FunLuvr
Effective Ultrasonic Cleaner with Useful Features
I purchased the VEVOR Ultrasonic Cleaner (2L), and I am satisfied with my decision. This cleaner is suitable for cleaning various small items, such as jewelry, watches, glasses, and circuit boards. One useful feature of this machine is the separate temperature and clean controls. This allows me to heat the water to a specific temperature before starting the ultrasonic cleaning process. Adjusting the temperature is beneficial, as it helps achieve better cleaning results for different types of items. The ultrasonic cleaning action is strong and efficient. It cleaned my belongings well, removing dirt and tarnish. The machine operates at a reasonable volume, which is suitable for home use. The 2L capacity is adequate for my needs. I can fit my glasses inside the tank by placing them diagonally, and there is still space for jewelry and other small items. The stainless steel construction seems sturdy and long-lasting. The digital timer is another practical feature, allowing me to set the cleaning time accurately. The controls are straightforward and simple to use, making the cleaning process easy. I recommend the VEVOR Ultrasonic Cleaner (2L) to those who need a dependable and efficient cleaning solution for their small valuables. It is a worthwhile purchase that has made cleaning my glasses, jewelry, and other items a simple task.
NotMe NotMe
Works great and is easy to set and use!
I ordered this ultrasonic cleaner to clean parts prior to powder coating them. I was expecting it to be a little larger since it is the 2 liter model but it only holds about 1.5 liters when filled to the fill line below the bottom of the basket. It is large enough that I was able to submerge two vintage microphone shells in the cleaner. One had some tar which had to be removed before placing it in the cleaner because I knew it would not be removed by the cleaner so I used WD-40 to remove that first. I use a mixture of water, isopropyl alcohol and dish soap as my solvent. The instructions say not to use alcohol because it is flammable but since the alcohol level was lower that 50% I knew it would not be flammable. I ran the cleaner for a total of 2 hours at the highest temp (80C) and it did a nice job of removing all of the WD-40 residue and the years of crud which had accumulated on these 60 year old microphone shells as you can see in the pictures. I'm very happy with the quality and ease of use of this ultrasonic cleaner. It is easy to change the temperature and time settings. I wish I could set it for longer than 30 minutes and I also wish it would hold a full 2 liters but it will do the job for me and works well. It was easy to clean after I was done and allowed time for the solvent to cool down. I was able to clean any residue left behind with paper towels and a little alcohol.

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