First use covers its cost. So I agree with \"Don't turn it on, take it apart..\" This one is ETL certified, Something the other's dont have. so, lets see whats in there. Pump Body: Yellow shipping oil was cleaned and removed before filling. Casting and machining quality is typical, and acceptable, definitly built to a cost, but clean enough inside with nothing loose or out of place. Gas Balast feature - A useful feature missing from similar models when dealing with moisture removal. Inlet valve and backflow valves. useful, and included. Something skipped on others, a value added feature. Electrical safety: Items often left out to save cost. This one actually has them. 6A Self-Resetting overload protection. KUOYUH 88AR 6A - generally keeps the motor from overloading if the pump ever jams up. As an electrical motor can vastly overload and burnup long before a 15A circuit breaker would pop. Electronic Centifugal Switch - Renaissance Technology LECS-120P - this Motor is far safer to use around flamable gases with this. Vastly value added over the typical mechanical switch inside these motors. 200uf Start Capacitor is marked as UL Recognized. Easy enough to access and replace if it ever goes bad. Wide power switch with sleeved connectors. Again little safety and assembly details often left out to save a few pennies are actually included here. 1/2HP listed, but only 4A - Somehow this doesn't add up, with only a start capacitor. This seems typical for similar pumps and motors from China with an overstated HP rating. Certainly this still remains a motor that will do the job, I generally consider half the listed HP as their more likely value. Instead of some kind of \"Calculated, peak, ideal, momentary on startup, equivalent, whatever is highest HP\" they tend to list on their labels. Overall for the price, the value added features, and certifcations are worth the price. its still a low cost pump from China, but at least they've made it the best it can be.