Customer Reviews for VEVOR 12V DC 508 mm Stroke Linear Actuator Mounting Bracket Heavy Duty 900N 5mm/s Electric Lift Motor for Recliner TV Table Lift Massage Bed Sofa Electric Linear Actuator
Folosesc cu succes de un an acest acuator, la comanda automatizata a usii de la pod, racind acea zona astfel pe timpul noptii, racind implicit si tavanul casei mele pe timpul verii.
Nagyon jó ár-érték arány. Végállásokban mikrokapcsolókkal.
Megfelelő, jó termék. Könnyen telepíthető, csendes működés. A hajtóművet használat előtt célszerű bezsírozni.
Werry nice I have used them with Dewalt batteries and a step down to get the voltage correct and stable and it works great two of them are being used for lifting up a steer case
Perfect response and material quality, but very slow
Like I said at the title, it's really slow comparing of the one I had before this. My last was 29 mm per second, this should be 7 or something... But looks like it's going to last, looks strong and made with good materials.
Its a perfect part for an electric lift on a boat! Recommend, but not to easy to choose the perfect size, because missing and sometimes wrong details are on the measurements!