Purchased this 4 color 4 station machine a couple months back but just got around to assembly. One of the largest issues with this is the poorly printed instructions. The monochromatic directions are not visually clear and don't explain much in regards to which bolts go to which parts. I went back on-line to review the assembly video to get a better understanding of how to proceed. This helped me get started and everything kinda fell in place afterward. A few parts at first didn't seem to align, but some adjustments (such as the set screws on the arm mount bearings) made things work. I think the unit is a great value and it appears to be machined well. If your lacking some basic mechanical skills, you may have to work a bit harder to get it properly assembled. I have yet to print on it so I can't comment on this aspect, but given some of the negative reviews, I wanted to let others know that it's a nice piece of equipment and it does go together rather easily. Just takes a little bit of time.