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VEVOR Desktop Laser Engraver 12.2"x11.8" Large Engraving Area 5.5W Laser Power

Customer Reviews for VEVOR Desktop Laser Engraver 12.2"x11.8" Large Engraving Area 5.5W Laser Power

Regular Type 310x300mm

Customer Reviews

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  • 4.8
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  • 4.6
  • 4.7
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51 Review(s)
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Easy to assemble and operate.
Machine works right away with its own software you download on Vevor webside under user manual. Here you can change motor direction and other parameters on the board. Can connect to wifi but online in this software. Machine works perfectly with Lightburn it just won’t connect via wifi. I have converted the machine to run with a plasmacutter and it works flawlessly. Really lightweight and easy to store on the wall.
Adrian Adrian
Face ce scrie in anunt
Face ce scrie in anunt,Pentru un incepator este mai mult decat grozava.E putin mai dificil pana incepi sa inveti setarile.Dar pretul si calitatea sunt extraordinare
Pimenta Pimenta
A máquina é boa, contudo tive dificuldade na montagem. Não consigo trabalhar com o rolo. Problema meu ou da máquina? Ainda estou a tentar perceber onde está o erro.
Cosmin Cosmin
Multumit clar sunt multumit !!!
Pina acum din probele ce le-am facut sunt multumit de calitate si usurinta in utilizare .Mai trebuie sa invat si sa ma obisnuiesc cu setarile pe care trebuie sa le fac . Pina acum nu am ce sa reprosez, laserul functioneaza perfect. O data cu el ar trebui cumparat si un sistem care sa scoata fumul daca incaperea in care se lucreaza mai ales cu lemn nu este bine aerisita se simte mirosul de la prelucrarea lemnului .
sorinocom sorinocom
Sunt multumit de aparatul achizitionat, sunt incepator dar ma familiarizez cu el. Gravurile ies bune pe diferite materiale asistate de aer. In schimb la taiere nu am niciun fel de setare.M-ar ajuta foarte mult niste setari de taiera a diferite materiale.
Ivan Ivan
Powerfull tool
I like Vevor engineering logic! Seamlessly assembling and setup. Laser firing is mighty! This is more that hobby tool!
Goran Z. Losic Goran Z. Losic
without intention for giving a compliment, this is the best machine Kit I ever purchased. Nothing missing, very precise parts for perfect fit.. today wil be the first run. Manual should be with more clear drawings/photos for less experienced users and + note for Air pump power supply with included 2@1 cable (I noticed in the end). I had though, a problem with Laptop USB port detection but solved.. and I'll upload YouTube video to clear issue for other users facing the same puzzle. Thanks again for very nice tool, Vevor
laser laser
laser 2
ønsker bruksanvisning på norsk/svensk/dansk. skal der brukes autokjøling i alle programmer, kan den kjøres på store jobber i flere timer uten stop eller bør en kjøles ned
Mazsaroff Péter Mazsaroff Péter
Vevor A7
Egyszerűen tökéletes! Az értékesítés során is és a segítségkérésem alatt folyamatosan segítettek, információkkal láttak el a Vevoros kollégák. A szoftvernél én a LaserGrbl-t használom, nagyon jól együtt dolgozik az A7-el. Álom gyors, kiváló végeredményt kaptam. Nagyon elégedett és boldog vagyok ezzel az új eszközzel.
Koxzera Koxzera
Nagyonn gyors szállítás. Könnyű összeszerelés. A megfelelő program megtalálásához rá kell szánni egy kis időt, de tökéletesen működik, alumíniumon is. A forgó Y-tengely nem kompatibilis PNG fájlokkal, de SVG-vel jól működik.

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