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    VEVOR sammenklappeligt arbejdsbord, 2-i-1 som sav og arbejdsbænk, 1000 lbs bæreevne, stålben, bærbart sammenfoldeligt værktøjsstativ med 2 træklemmer, 4 bænkhunde, 3 værktøjskasser, 2 kroge, nem garageopbevaring

    Kundeanmeldelser for VEVOR sammenklappeligt arbejdsbord, 2-i-1 som sav og arbejdsbænk, 1000 lbs bæreevne, stålben, bærbart sammenfoldeligt værktøjsstativ med 2 træklemmer, 4 bænkhunde, 3 værktøjskasser, 2 kroge, nem garageopbevaring


    kunde anmeldelser

    7 Anmeldelse(r)
    Ryd filtre
    thomas frazier thomas frazier
    Well built with no assembly
    Anmeldt den Feb 18, 2025
    Great little table that can be folded up. I’ll admit I really like a lot of vevor products, but this is a well built table with NO assembly!
    Carpenter Carpenter
    Anmeldt den Nov 14, 2024
    Table is excellent. Very stable. It is not height adjustable but it is ok. I was able to find many tables with the same shape so I suppose all they are produced in one factory in China. I have found in local eshop table with adjustable legs and 6 EUR cheaper than on Vevor.
    Jussi Jussi
    Tukeva pöytä
    Anmeldt den Oct 25, 2024
    Hyvä hinta-laatu ja nopea toimitus. Itsellä pöytäsirkkelin alla ja pelaa hienosti. Pöytä on vahva ja tukeva ja sen saa pieneen tilaan tarvittaessa. Tuote oli nykyhintaa parikymppiä halvempi, kuin nykyään mutta edelleen laatuun nähden ihan kilpailukykyisesti hinnoiteltu.
    Legb Legb
    Anmeldt den Aug 01, 2024
    I ordered one of these benches for working on a new workshop I'm designing and building. My thought when ordering was that for under £65 delivered, I could take a risk. This table is sturdy, straight from the box, it is ready to be used in less than a minute, the legs are fitted and folded into the aluminium frame of the table, the first pair of legs to be unfolded are held in place with a spring loaded pin and the legs are then locked, but very easy to unfold. A means of being able to place the accessories into the base between the legs would have been the icing on the cake! A carry handle on one of the sides of the table makes moving it around is very easy. Once the legs are open and the bars are locked in place this table isn't going anywhere, I am far from petite and decided to climb on the table to see just how stable it was. It was very stable! In fact on a good level surface I could not move it when standing on it. Withing the accessories supplied are a few fittings, storage bins to slot on the sides or ends, good for holding a small quantity of smaller screws, the top has a LOT of holes within it to hold a wide variety of work in many many ways. Additional accessories include metal brackets to permit two or more tables to be linked togther in many using lengths of 3x2 the tables can be positioned for handling larger sheets, or large frames et-al. There are also two plastic clips which lock into the corner of two adjoining tables 'locking' them together permitting one solid surface to be built from two or more tables. From using the table, I have now determined that these can and I hope, soon will be the formation of the benches in the workshop I am working on. I've been looking at all different materials to build a bespoke bench with a managed weight. One afternoon just looking at something on the bench the realisation came to me, I've been using it for weeks with mo structural or ergonomic issues, the only curse are far too many holes for very small components to get lost through. I'm hoping my new high speed 3D printer will soon produce a collection of plugs to stop this problem. The holes are still something I may find useful, so I don't want to loose them, just to 'hide' them. All I need now is to wait for the same offer to come around from Vevor so that I can purchase 2 or 3 more of these tables!
    Rich Rich
    Anmeldt den Jul 29, 2024
    I have been a Carpenter for nearly 40 year and over that time have owned and used many portable work benches of various styles and prices. This Vevor work tbale is one of the better ones i have owned and used. It is solid, stable, versatile, well designed and well worth the less than £65 I paid for it. It has a mdf top which is fine for most situations but in my experienece may get damp if left in an out building etc but what it loses on that score it more than makes up for with its aluminium extrusion edges, metal legs and braces, storgae bins and rock solid build. I have owened the plastic variations such as the keiter Pro etc and this is bar far a superior table and you won't spend all day worrying you will split it or knok a corner off it. A genuinely deceent table for twice the price.
    Dave Dave
    Anmeldt den Jan 03, 2024
    Brilliant bit of kit at a great price, delivered on time and this table is excellent quality and has lots of handy fittings supplied
    Tero Turunen Tero Turunen
    Anmeldt den Jul 19, 2023
    Pöytä on vankka ja monipuolinen, suosittelen. Hinta laatusuhde on kohdillaan, ei mikään rimpula markettipöytä. Tällä sujuu monenlaiset työt hyvin.

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