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    VEVOR stort hønsehus i metal med løbegård, Walkin hønsehus til gårdhave med vandtæt dæksel, 6,6 x 9,8 x 6,6 fod, stort fjerkræbur med toppet tag til hønsehus, andegård og kaningård, sølv

    Kundeanmeldelser for VEVOR stort hønsehus i metal med løbegård, Walkin hønsehus til gårdhave med vandtæt dæksel, 6,6 x 9,8 x 6,6 fod, stort fjerkræbur med toppet tag til hønsehus, andegård og kaningård, sølv

    6,5 x 9,8 x 6,4 fod

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    13 Anmeldelse(r)
    Ryd filtre
    Witch on a hoover!!! Witch on a hoover!!!
    Excellent value for the money
    Anmeldt den Feb 25, 2025
    Super quick delivery. Excellent value for the money. Plenty of mesh provided. I brought this coop instead of a catio. It's alot cheaper and my cat is happy and safe. I would recommend this coop for cats and small dogs.
    Kjellberg Malin Kjellberg Malin
    Tyst studsmatta
    Anmeldt den Oct 06, 2024
    En tyst samt stabil studsmatta! Dottern tycker jättemycket om den. Perfekt!
    Jan Jan
    Anmeldt den Sep 26, 2024
    Great value for money...very useful, once set-up and built...handy to be able to download instructions too. Took the two of us about 4 hours off and on to complete but we're very, very pleased with it, thanks.
    Thanos Thanos
    Good value for its price
    Anmeldt den Sep 25, 2024
    It's a bit tricky at the beggining but then it bacomes easy, the hardest part is to install the metal-plastic covered grid but it's not too complicated, you need to fiqure that out. Overall good value for its curent price (120,99 €) but if it was more it wouldn't be that good. I'm satisfied overall, for quail it's good but not for baby chicks, they can easily get out! Only for adult quail its good.
    karen karen
    Chicken run
    Anmeldt den Sep 07, 2024
    Great value for money, easy to assemble
    Michael Donovan Michael Donovan
    Anmeldt den Sep 10, 2024
    Absolutely the full monty These Coops pack a punch not only as chicken coops but also outside grow houses, For Hydroponic set up,,Aeroponic set up,,or simply galvanize sheet your roof thus becomes an outdoor storage unit simple solutions resolving simple problems copyright protected ©
    Ade Ade
    Chickens home, Vevor 5 STARS
    Anmeldt den Sep 01, 2022
    What can I say the chicken's love it as it gives them that little bit of space and my wife feels happy now she knows they are safe when left alone. The wire mesh that comes with it I felt was a bit lightweight for our needs so I did swap that out for a different type. Other than that s great item and well built it would appear. There was a bit of a mix up but once I contacted Vevor about my issue it was delt with in a excellent and professional manner which I must say was second to none I gave had a few items for this company and I am sure I will have a few more. Thank you Vevor for your brilliant customer service. Thank you Ade
    Debbie Debbie
    Anmeldt den Jul 06, 2022
    Very good product. Delivered promptly. It was easy to assemble. I'm very happy with my purchase. Thanks
    R. P. R. P.
    Gute Ergänzung zu einen bestehenden Gehege
    Anmeldt den Jun 07, 2021
    Wir haben das Gehege als Ergänzung zu einen bereits bestehenden Gehege gekauft. Die abgerundete Tür ist leider nicht Madersicher bitte dies zu beachten. Da die Tür auch nur durch einen Verschluß verriegelt wird.Unten an der Tür hat der nächtliche Eindringlich ein leichtes Spiel. Das dazugelieferte Maschendraht habe ich durch engeren und stabileren ersetzt. Die Lieferung hat sich verzögert, hielt sich aber noch in Grenzen.
    Kupfer 75 Kupfer 75
    Anmeldt den Jun 03, 2021
    Super Preis Leistung, einfache und schnelle Installation mit dem Stecksystem . Sieht toll aus ...

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