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VEVOR Telescoping Ladder Aluminum Extension Step 12.5 ft Multi-purpose Portable

Customer Reviews for VEVOR Telescoping Ladder Aluminum Extension Step 12.5 ft Multi-purpose Portable

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Customer Reviews

20 Review(s)
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Miljenko Miljenko
Excellent telescoping Ladder, love it, protect my veranda. Very strong, shipment was fast and item received as anounced.
Item as described.
James99 James99
Szuper kompakt létra
Meglepően stabil, könnyű és kis helyen is elfér, nekem a lakóautó tetején elhelyezett napelemek tisztításához volt rá szükségem, ajánlom a terméket, nagyon jó ár/érték arányt képvisel.
Roman Roman
Teleskopický rebrik
Kvalitná konštrukcia, inovatívny spôsob zloženia rebríka, veľmi rýchle zloženie. Vyzerá solídne, je dosť pevný, cítim sa na ňom bezpečné. Jediná nevýhoda je práve ten spôsob vyťahovania, rozkladania. Musí sa začať odspodu a postupne vysúvať vyššie a vyššie priečky. To je nevýhoda, lebo ak chcete rebrík vysunúť len do určitej výšky, vysuniete ho len do tej výšky, ako ste sám vysoký. Na tie vyššie priečky už nedosiahnete. Keby sa začínalo z vrchu, tak postupne zväčšujete dĺžku rebrika a spodné priečky necháte poskladané, zasunute.
Jorma Jorma
Teleskooppitikkaat 12,5 ft
Kuvauksen mukaiset, laadukkaat ja kätevät käyttää. Satunnaiskäytössä omakotitalon satunnaisissa ylläpitotehtävissä. Talvisin mukana asuntoautossa, tähän olisi kyllä riittänyt 10,5 ft versio joka olisi sopinut takatalliin paremmin. Hyvä ostos.
Sousa Sousa
Escada telescópica
Escada muito porreira é um pouco pesada mas funciona bem! E podia fechar mais mas hidráulicos não o devem permitir
Teemu Teemu
Product ok and work like it should, no complaints. Shipping was totally awful!! UPS keep product in their warehouse 2 weeks! Please stop using UPS, their fail every time! Even calling them will not get product to ship. Warehouse is 5km from shipping address so that was not the problem. Please add some other shipping companies if still using this.
jan jan
vsetko ok.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................pevny
LarryM LarryM
Great ladder, I have 2 other Ladders but since I bought this one I found I use this one more and more, so handy for multiple hights, say for cleaning gutters, painting, window mantance etc. When I need to survey jobs that will involve hights can pop ladder in boot of car and go. One minor gripe first time using I lost rubber foot on bottom leg but could make a new one from pipe so as soon as you receive delivery of ladder take off and glue back on so you won't loose.
Rodolfo Soriano-Pinar Rodolfo Soriano-Pinar
Great item for the price Easy to store and super handy to use. Would recommend to anyone to buy one for their home

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