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VEVOR Ultrasonic Jewelry Cleaner with Heater Timer for Cleaning Eyeglass Rings

Customer Reviews for VEVOR Ultrasonic Jewelry Cleaner with Heater Timer for Cleaning Eyeglass Rings

6 L

Customer Reviews

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94 Review(s)
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Kelly Kelly
Brilliant ultrasonic
Fantastic ultrasonic. I am a jewellery polisher and I use this ultrasonic every day. The same ultrasonic would cost £400 from a shop in London.
NickJ NickJ
Simple and effective machine
A good value ultrasonic cleaner for small parts. The 3l tank is a good size to accept a wide range of parts. Best use is probably to fill the tank with water and then just use a part specific cleaning solution in a sealable bag. Pop the bag in and let the machine do it's job. Not having the version with an electronic display doesn't remove any functionality but it does simplify the whole device.
Christopher Lenthall Christopher Lenthall
This is a great buy in to the world of ultrasonic cleaning records, very reasonably priced and fast delivery , the rpm is a little fast but there is enough information on the web on what to do
Amazon Customer Amazon Customer
Very impressive little machine
Bought to clean some motorbike carburettors - very easy to use and very effective
John D. Macar John D. Macar
I love mine! In fact, l just got home from the gun range and l broke down my polymer framed pistols and threw them in my unit! You can safely clean your weapons with a mixture of water and Extreme Simple Green at a temperature of 60C. I leave them in there for 40 minutes and then hit them with my air line and then lube and DONE! No more screwing around with Q-Tips and solvent, those days are gone! Take the wooden grips off of your steel framed revolvers and 1911s and do them too.
razvan razvan
un aparat de curatat cu ultrasunete foarte util
In primul rand metoda de curatare cu ultrasunete a discurilor de vinil cred ca e cea mai buna si performanta dintre toate. Apoi, legat de acest aparat: pretul sau e de cateva ori mai mic decat al oricarui aparat de curatat viniluri cu ultrasunete. Aparatul in sine nu e dedicat pt. curatarea discurilor, ci e o cuva generica cu ultrasunete, plus un adaptor pe care se pun pana la 4 discuri si el le invarte in timpul curatarii. Protectiile/distantierele nu sunt extraordinare, dar isi fac treaba. In plus ar mai trebui un distantier mai mic pentru a putea monta toate cele 4 discuri (mi-am confectionat eu unul). Cuva e de inox, calitativa as zice. Incalzirea apei dureaza un pic si nu cred ca temperatura indicata e chiar foarte exacta. Zgomotul in functionare e destul de sesizabil, nu prea poti sta langa el, preferabil e de pus la curatat in alta camera. Rastelul de uscare e bun doar pt. LP-uri de 12 inch, nu si pt. cele mai mici. Iar la discurile de 78 ar trebui protectii mai mici de etichete. Per total isi face treaba bine, superior celorlalte metode "clasice" de curatare. Il recomand, mai ales datorita pretului foarte avantajos.
Keith Dixon Keith Dixon
Item was a good price and arrived in good time and in perfect condition. The problem I have is with after sales. If you have any issues or are missing parts like I was you have little hope of getting a good solution. I was missing the centre disks to protect the label on the vinyl. They are important parts and for me souls not be used with out them. Thus could result in the centre label on your vinyl getting liquid damage. I did try on multiple occasions to explain this on chat. After many weeks they send me a small refund and I have to go and try and get the parts myself. Not great and will not buy again.
introcks introcks
Good quality for the price!
Overall it's OK, according to the price. The on/off switch for a built-in motor at 720 degrees is missing, power on/off with power cord. It would be good if the manufacturer made a multi hertz Vinyl Record Cleaner with the ability to switch from 40khz to 80khz to 120khz.
Harmony Baxter Harmony Baxter
Works Great!
Works great so far; This one is so much better than the cheaper plastic one I ordered previously that burned out after a handful of uses.
Phil Howell Phil Howell
Awesome peice of kit for the price.
I tried it out on multiple pieces of jewelry both gold and silver and the results were astonishing after only 15 minutes they were practically factory fresh.

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