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VEVOR Motorized TV Lift Stroke Length 28 Inches Motorized TV Mount Fit for 26-57 Inch TV Lift with Remote Control Height Adjustable 28 Inch Load Capacity 132 Lbs

Customer Reviews for VEVOR Motorized TV Lift Stroke Length 28 Inches Motorized TV Mount Fit for 26-57 Inch TV Lift with Remote Control Height Adjustable 28 Inch Load Capacity 132 Lbs

38 - 65 inch

Customer Reviews

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93 Review(s)
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Carlos Alberto Santos Carlos Alberto Santos
Excelente fiz armario de madeira para o embutir e ficou top a qualidade é superior e bastante duravel
Geninne Bryant Geninne Bryant
I'm loving it!
Easy to put together ,bought lift ,made cabinet ,bought t.v. second hand ,all for under $260. Very happy ,will recommend to family and friends.
Robo Robo
Motorizovaný TV zdvihák VEVOR
Super cena, tovar dorazil bez problémov. Hlučnosť motora prijateľná. Diaľkove ovládanie síce ako z minulého storočia ale inak fajn. Pri potrebe fakturácii na firmu v tomto e-shope odporúčam zaregistrovať sa ako firma a nie FO!
Jose Galindo Jose Galindo
Great for DIY project
Excellent for a DIY project. Works as expected
Keld Knudsen Keld Knudsen
Har købt denne Motoriseret TV beslag hos jer i Januar sidste år , nu virker motor ikke mere , har haft El-mekaniker til at kigge på den han siger motor er færdig . Ordre nr : 24012200950214429779 . Er ellers rigtig godt tilfreds med jeres produkter og i jeres service er i top . Min mail er Keld Knudsen Automobiler Birkehegnet 29 Blåhøj St 7330 Brande Danmark Mobil nr 21245296
Jun H. Jun H.
Easy Assembly, Intuitive Installation
I was originally intimidated by the product being more of a DIYer than a professional, but it was incredibly easy and fast to install. The instructions are lackluster, but the brand and customer provided videos were extremely helpful. If you’re looking for a simple electronic mechanic to pull up and down your screen, this is a quality product for a great value! Vevor has some other great products, and hasn’t disappointed me so far.
Peter Peter
Brilliant piece of kit for a fraction of the price of other suppliers, it is very quiet in use. Easy to install
Clebison Barbosa Clebison Barbosa
Suporte de tv
Muito bom, a qualidade de custo benefício é ótimo, mecanismo fácil de instalar, fuciona muito bem e chegou muito rápido e bem embalado.
Brian Orelius Brian Orelius
TV lift in bedroom
Great item, easy to set up and is to use, we now have the possibility to hide the tv away when not used.
O.K. zboží přišlo v pořádku. Instalace byla velice jednoduchá. Přístroj není hlučný. Tento obchod se mi velmi líbí. Vřele doporučuji. Mají dobré výrobky. Ještě chci koupit ultrazvukovou čističku a naftové topení do dílny. Za mě o.k.

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