The seller shipped this extremely quick, it arrived in less than a week. I figure because it was in a warehouse in the UK, not coming direct from China (it was actually about 1.5 weeks early, so I didn't have my distilled water yet).I still need to make several upgrades to the machine such as air assist, new bed and better extraction (the extractor it comes with is very poor) but I fired it up today and once I got the large bubble out of the laser tube I gave it a whirl with a test file.Just make sure when you get this you file down the paint around the ground connector on the case (it won't ground to the case otherwise, plenty of youtube guides on these machines).I've ordered a new controller for the laser, so that I can use some better software (the supplied software is terrible). The alternative is to use K40 Whisperer and Inkscape. But once my new controller arrives I'll probably invest in Lightburn as I like the look of the UI and features for designing (you can also control the laser far better with another controller like either a Mini Gerbil or Cohesion board and software).All in all I'm very happy for the price paid. So far everything is as I would expect it.Just to note that the K40 is very much something you buy as a work in progress, to get the best out of it you will need to spend some time and money upgrading it. But with the price being so low, it is a good way to dip your toe in before spending thousands of pounds on a more expensive laser. I highly recommend researching the K40 before you purchase one, so you see exactly what you can expect.