Long, aka high, limb cutters are tricky choices. After paying $3,000 plus for pro tree trimming to open up sunlight to lawns and flowers, spring growth encroached again. Maybe a dozen high 1 to 3" branches needed to be cut. Before the pros set up ropes and mountain climbing gear to make segmented cuts protecting our home.Wasn't sure if 24' cutter length was enough. It is! My question was $100 or $300 for the Japanese "quality"? Went with $100 and crossed fingers. Yes, this did/does the cuts. Be serious here friends 24' segmented cutters are difficult to make strong and within price range.Extended you should be gentle and careful not to over stress using smooth vertical pole cutting strokes. If you get off vertical and push/pull forcefully the segments will bend with stress. Some cuts take time, take breaks, don't get anxious give it long slow strokes and let the blade work it's way through. BTW, those blade stops at it's ends very helpful keeping cutter from slipping at end strokes, long and smooth.Way cheaper and much more convenient than our pro trimmers. Those guys worked long and hard and potentially dangerous. That's as "blue collar, as it gets, LOL