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VEVOR Variable Frequency Drive, AC 220V Input 4KW Variable Frequency CNC Drive Inverter Converter, VFD 5.5HP 1 or 3 Phase Input, 3 Phase Output, CNC Motor Inverter Converter for Motor Speed Control

Customer Reviews for VEVOR Variable Frequency Drive, AC 220V Input 4KW Variable Frequency CNC Drive Inverter Converter, VFD 5.5HP 1 or 3 Phase Input, 3 Phase Output, CNC Motor Inverter Converter for Motor Speed Control

White 20A

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28 Review(s)
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Excellent communication. A pleasure doing business with them. .
Excellent communication. A pleasure doing business with them. .
Excellent communication. A pleasure doing business with them. .
Excellent communication. A pleasure doing business with them. .
Excellent communication. A pleasure doing business with them. :
Levi Levi
electric engineer
Between the 3 phases it only allows to get maximum 220V so it is a device for 3x110-120V. It is NOT meant for real 3x220V (380V) or 3x230V (400V). It do NOT match with the European voltage standards, despite the customer support statement. After the confirmation of the customer support, I have tried to connect that to 3x230V and it exploded. Overvoltage protection reach for only +15%.
Radu V Radu V
Foarte bun
L-am conectat la o pompa submersibila (20m adancime) monofazata de 220V si 1.1 kW. Am conectat pompa la iesirile U si W pastrand condensatorul. Pornirea si oprirea pompei se face prin presostat (3bar start, 4 bar stop) conectat la X1/X3 iar reglajul PID a presiunii printr-un traductor de presiune 0-10 bar, 4-20mA conectat la AI2 (parametrii au fost configurati conform exemplului din manualul de operare). S-a configurat domeniul de lucru al pompei intre 35-50Hz (35Hz fiind o turatie suficienta a pompei astfel incat atunci cand se inchid toti consumatorii pompa sa poata ridica presiunea pana la conditia de stop 4 bar). Concluzii: convertizorul suporta motoare monofozate de 220Vac (prin setarea unui parametru), pornirea si oprirea pompei nu se mai face cu socuri mecanice si nici nu se mai sting becurile in casa la pornire (soft start). Regulatorul PID functioneaza precis, in functie de setari. N-am observat anomalii pe parcursul a cca 2 saptamani. Optiunile pe care le are, usurinta in al parametriza il ridica peste nivelul unor convertizoare din gama entry level al majoriratii brandurilor industriale (raportat si la pret). Daca se va dovedi si fiabil in timp atunci e un best buy. Nota 10 si pt furnizor, l-am primit in 3 zile.
Cândido Cândido
Para um variador de 4CV cuja cablagem será no mínimo 4mm2 os bornes não suportam esta secção de cabos
gogo gogo
nothing to complain about, it works as it should, the quality/price ratio - great Delivery speed - great I am satisfied. I recommend to all
cnc cnc
Am primit produsul , arata bine estetic nota 10 . l-am probat este silentios .I-mi place cum functioneaza , este OK.

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