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VEVOR Core Drill Bit, 4.25" Wet Diamond Core Drill Bits, 14" Drilling Depth Concrete Core Drill Bit with Saw Blade, 1-1/4"-7 Inner Thread, Laser Welding, Diamond Wet Coring Bit for Concrete Brick

Customer Reviews for VEVOR Core Drill Bit, 4.25" Wet Diamond Core Drill Bits, 14" Drilling Depth Concrete Core Drill Bit with Saw Blade, 1-1/4"-7 Inner Thread, Laser Welding, Diamond Wet Coring Bit for Concrete Brick

108 mm Wet

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9 Review(s)
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James99 James99
Megfelelő, jól használható koronafúró
Egy szellőző ventillátor telepítéséhez vásároltam a koronafúrót, 30 cm ytong falat kellett átfúrnom. Ebben a méretben ez volt a leg olcsóbb választás és mivel a Vevor termékekben eddig sem csalódtam így bátran rendeltem meg. A munkát sikerült elvégeznem, teljesen elégedett voltam a termékkel. A drágább profi fúrók sem sokkal jobbak, otthoni felhasználásra ez teljesen jó választás.
tyby tyby
Produs conform descrierii
Am dat o gaura intr-un beton de 10 cm grosime, carota s-a comportat bine, ma chinuit putin pana a reusit carota sa prinda contur in beton deoarece burgiul central genera o vibratie care inducea carotei o miscare oscilatorie, cand aceasta a reusit sa-si faca un sant, carota s-a stabilizat si am reusit sda dau gaura.
Tom Tom
All praise, arrived on time and in order. The build quality is good, and the price is popular. I recommend Vevor, I will continue to buy from you.
Eugen Eugen
Great. Drill. Bit
Martin Martin
Zatím čeká na vyzkoušení. Uvidime.
Czigány Attila Czigány Attila
Tökéletesen működik. Olcsón, gyorsan megkaptam. Könnyen, gyorsan lehet vele dolgozni. Tégla és tömésfal fúrására használtam.
Fernando Freitas Fernando Freitas
Na verdade não tenho opinião pois, comprei por engano, ainda não tenho máquina para a poder usar, não tenho opinião de nada, só avaliei para não aparecer mais na lista. Deveria haver um botão com a opção, não quero avaliar, só para sair da lista.
Alistair Harcus Alistair Harcus
There is nothing wrong with the size of the core Drill Bit just the threads is 5/8 and the machine is 1 1/4 so it will no fit the machine I was going to return it to you the core drill bit but I have had to buy a part from America to get the Core Drill Bit to fit the Machine cost me about £ 70.00
John Brown John Brown
Smooth cut little vibration
Very good product very little vibration and long lasting

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