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VEVOR Papirkutter, Guillotine Trimmer, 18" Skærelængde, 20 Ark Kapacitet, Heavy Duty Guillotine Paper Cutter med beskyttelsesskinne/bladlås til karton/pap, Papir Trimmer til hjemmekontorskole

Kundeanmeldelser for VEVOR Papirkutter, Guillotine Trimmer, 18" Skærelængde, 20 Ark Kapacitet, Heavy Duty Guillotine Paper Cutter med beskyttelsesskinne/bladlås til karton/pap, Papir Trimmer til hjemmekontorskole

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  • 4.8
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  • 4.6
  • 4.7
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306 Anmeldelse(r)
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Vevor Customer Vevor Customer
Efficient cutter, easy to use
Anmeldt den Jun 28, 2021
Cutter arrived in a couple of days. The bolts holding the blade mechanism had been over-tightened so the blade wouldn't cut anything. The instructions are so minimal that I had to contact the seller but received a reply within 24 hours. The blade now cuts perfectly.
Oscar Oscar
For the money it is selling now this is easily 5 star cutter
Anmeldt den Jun 08, 2021
For the money it is selling now this is easily 5 star cutter. Cuts through a whole book at once like a butter and results in absolutely factory-like smooth edge.I am not sure how long the blade will last, but there are replacement blades for this model. Also the 17" is gigantic and heavy so make sure it is 17" you really need otherwise go with 12". I use it to cut through glue bind music books then spiral bind them so they can be actually used to play music.Everything is made with steel and steel sheet metal of adequate size and thickness. Hard to imagine something will break. Before you do your first cut, clean the blade with a towel from the grease, but be very careful, the blade is a razor sharp.
Arturo ciulla Arturo ciulla
soddisfatto oltre ogni aspettativa
Anmeldt den Aug 17, 2021
ottimo articolo oltre le aspettative, arrivato in anticipo
Smarmo Smarmo
Art teachers!! You need this.
Anmeldt den Jun 03, 2021
Why did I not buy this sooner?! It doesn't always cut perfectly square, sometimes there is a slight curve from the paper shifting, but definitely not enough to mind. Perfect for the art teacher who has to cut hundreds of papers.
Deborah Willis Deborah Willis
Most affordable stack paper cutter
Anmeldt den Jun 03, 2021
This guy is very heavy, but you can't beat the performance. An excellent value for the cost.
Vicente Barrasa Blazquez Vicente Barrasa Blazquez
cumple lo espicipado
Anmeldt den Jun 28, 2021
ahora tengo problemas com los repuestos soy aficionado a hacer encuadernacion casera
Juanita Burns Juanita Burns
Anmeldt den Aug 25, 2021
Del tutto superiore alle mie aspettative.E' in grado di tagliare un quantitativo elevato di fogli in modo corretto e sicuro.
Susana Susana
Que el corte sea preciso
Anmeldt den Aug 13, 2021
Que es f_il de usar.
Val Val
Quasi professionale
Anmeldt den Aug 11, 2021
Posso dire che quasi tutto perfetto, il quasi deve essere colmato dall'esperienza di chi la lama per avere pi gioco non scende perfettamente parallela quindi bisogna capire la pressioneche si deve dare ad un blocco di fogli voluminoso se si vuole tagliare dritto. Per il resto leva e lama sono ottime,taglia anche 300 e pi fogli da 80 g insieme. Bisogna avere spazio date le dimensioni ed il peso elevate.
Franklin Franklin
This cutter understood the assignment!
Anmeldt den Oct 06, 2021
This cutter cut all the toxic people from my life. This cutter cut 10 kilos of the weight I'm trying to lose. This cutter cut off the police on the highway and the police thanked it. This cutter cut Excalibur from the stone before King Arthur. Highly recommend!

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