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Stavebnica VEVOR Stan Fort pre deti Stavebnica STEM 85P svieti v tme Stavebnica VEVOR Stan Fort pre deti Stavebnica STEM 85P svieti v tme Stavebnica VEVOR Stan Fort pre deti Stavebnica STEM 85P svieti v tme Stavebnica VEVOR Stan Fort pre deti Stavebnica STEM 85P svieti v tme Stavebnica VEVOR Stan Fort pre deti Stavebnica STEM 85P svieti v tme Stavebnica VEVOR Stan Fort pre deti Stavebnica STEM 85P svieti v tme Stavebnica VEVOR Stan Fort pre deti Stavebnica STEM 85P svieti v tme

Stavebnica VEVOR Stan Fort pre deti Stavebnica STEM 85P svieti v tme

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85 KS

  • 180 KS
  • 120 KS
  • 140 KS
  • 85 KS

O tejto položke

  • Bezpečné materiály: Naša stavebnica na stavbu pevnosti uprednostňuje prírodné materiály pre bezpečnosť detí. Spojovacie tyče a guľôčky neobsahujú BPA, s hladkými hranami a pohodlným úchopom, ktorý zlepšuje motoriku. Prichádzajú v žiarivých farbách, aby stimulovali kognitívny vývoj.
  • 85-dielna stavebnica pevnosti: Preskúmajte nekonečné možnosti s našou detskou stavebnicou na stavbu pevnosti! Obsahuje 30 pevných guľôčok a 55 ľahkých, ale odolných spojovacích tyčí. Ideálne pre deti od 4 rokov na vytváranie vlastných 3D priestorov – stavajte pevnosti, stany, pyramídy, rakety a ďalšie pod vedením rodičov.
  • Funkcia Cool Glow: Nie sú potrebné žiadne batérie ani nabíjanie! Naša súprava na stavbu pevnosti, ktorá spája šetrnosť k životnému prostrediu so zábavou, po nabití pod svetlom svieti v tme. Čím dlhšie absorbuje svetlo, tým jasnejšie a dlhšie svieti – pre deti je to magický zážitok.
  • Jednoduchá montáž: Naša súprava pevnosti obsahuje spojovacie tyče oválneho tvaru pre flexibilnú a bezpečnú montáž. Obsahuje jednoduchý návod na montáž, aby si deti mohli užiť hru vo vnútri aj vonku. Navyše je dodávaný s úložným vakom a sponami na prikrývku pre vonkajšie dobrodružstvá.
  • Vzdelávací darček: Naša súprava na výrobu pevnosti, obľúbená na celom svete ako hračka STEM, podporuje priestorové povedomie a podnecuje kreativitu. Je krásne zabalený, takže je ideálnym darčekom na Vianoce, Nový rok, narodeniny, Halloween, darčeky k promócii alebo akúkoľvek špeciálnu príležitosť.

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Stavebnica VEVOR Stan Fort pre deti Stavebnica STEM 85P svieti v tme
85 KS
Stavebnica pevnosti VEVOR – rozpútajte kreatívne dobrodružstvá
Naša stavebnica na stavbu pevnosti je navrhnutá tak, aby v deťoch podnecovala kreativitu a predstavivosť. Obsahuje množstvo komponentov pre nekonečné stavebné možnosti.
Stavebnica detskej pevnosti VEVOR pomáha deťom oživiť abstraktné nápady, od jednoduchých plochých návrhov až po zložité 3D štruktúry. Podporuje schopnosť riešiť problémy a kreatívne myslenie.
Ktoré dieťa by nechcelo žiarivú tajnú skrýšu? Naša súprava na stavbu pevnosti obsahuje tyče svietiace v tme, vďaka ktorým sú noci menej strašidelné a dobrodružnejšie!
Pomocou sprievodcu stavaním našej súpravy pevnosti môžete vytvárať jaskyne, tunely, pevnosti, rakety, stany a ďalšie. Je to skvelý spôsob, ako sa spojiť so svojím dieťaťom a podnietiť jeho predstavivosť.
Naša súprava na výrobu pevnosti je ideálna pre deti od 4 rokov, ideálne na narodeniny, sviatky a špeciálne príležitosti. Je to darček, ktorý ich odradí od obrazoviek a popustí uzdu ich fantázii!


Číslo modelu položky
Celkový počet kusov
Počet tyčí
Počet loptičiek
Hmotnosť produktu
4 lb/1,8 kg
Veľkosť balenia
16,9 x 3,5 x 13,6 palca/430 x 90 x 345 mm
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Hodnotenia zákazníkov

26 recenzie
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Jason McGarrity Jason McGarrity
Stem building activity for kids
Got this new toy for my son to play with. It comes with a lot of different pieces to use to build not only forts but anything else he can come up with. The pieces fit well together and it is easy for a young child to use with minimal help. I am excited to see all the creations he comes up with using this toy.
Laura N Laura N
Fun and encourages creativity
This is fun for kids and adults alike. Building toys encourage creativity and get the mind working. And it distracts from electronic devices in a way that kids are excited about. They can build, take apart, build, lay sheets over it to make forts, etc. Possibilities are endless.
Manila Mike Manila Mike
Not as easy as it looks
I was hoping my six year-old friend could figure these out but she doesn't quite have the patience to get very far. Putting the stick in the hole can be a little tough. It has to be lined up perfectly to fit. And then when it does finally go in, sometimes you realize it's not in the hole it should be in. I think my 12 year old nephew will do fine and I suspect his 10 year old sister will catch on pretty quickly too. Part of the issue too is that the large set has a bunch of pieces. You can easily make any of the items included in the direction sheet buy then you see how many pieces you have left over and you feel the need to go bigger. Building a structure large enough to use most all the pieces will probably take a single builder about 45 minutes. Add an additional 15 minutes to take everything apart and get it put away in the included bag. But fort building should involve playing in the fort too so this can easily be a half a day project. Younger builder will give up quickly. Everything seemed to be well made and fits together well. If made correctly most structures will easily support the weight of a blanket. I put my direction paper in a protective sleeve in hopes that it will be around as long as the rest of the set.
Dragon's Breath Dragon's Breath
Well Made Product
My grandkids enjoy building fort with this kit. A great activity for rainy days. We worked together to assemble the pieces. So there are different situations when positioning the rods angles. When we finished, just like the pictures, used an old sheet to cover the top.
S.D.B. S.D.B.
Fun building toy!
These building sets are a lot of fun. I like that this one comes with lots of balls & rods. I was hoping it would be compatible with another set I had (different brand) but they had different dimensions. The set is of good quality. The rods are easily inserted & removed, but still hold in firmly.
Concerned Customer Concerned Customer
Fun for ALL of kids!
Product: VEVOR Fort Building Kit for Kids, 120PCS STEM Building Toys, Educational Gift for 4 5 6 7 8+ Year Old Boys & Girls, Indoor Outdoor Play Tent Builder Set Construction Toys with 80 Rods and 40 Balls Ordered: 2024-8-29 Delivered: 2024-9-10 Price Range: Less Than $28 Date of Review: 2024-9-21 Overall Rating (5) Stars Summary Review: 1) My first observation is that the kit is very sturdy (considering the nature of its use). 2) My second observation is the overall simplicity of this toy. There are plastic rods (common length) and plastic connection spheres (identical hole pattern), and that is all you need to build almost anything you want. The kit includes some clips that can be used to overlay the structure with a sheet, and hold it into place. 3) My third observation is that each sphere is constructed with some holes situated so that rods can be installed at right angles. And there are other holes situated that enable rods to be installed at 45-degree angles. Collectively, you can construct almost any shape & size (as long as you have enough parts). 4) My fourth observation is probably my only disappointment with this toy. I would like to be able to install rods diagonally within a square or cube shape. The purpose of this is to provide additional structural support. Large structures are flimsy, and diagonal supports would help to stabilize this. This concept would also generate educational opportunities for parents to teach the structural properties of triangles. 5) I’ve rated this as 5-stars because this kit, just as it is sold, is totally awesome, educational, and lots of fun for ALL of US kids! 6) Helpful Suggestions to the Manufacturer: #1) I would like to suggest that you sell add-on kits of various length rods, including some capable of fitting diagonally, like a triangle, both in a 2D square and a 3D cube box, placement of corner-to-corner of each. #2) The instructions state to place the etched surface of the connector sphere upward, but it is
Jason C. Jason C.
Great fort kit
This is an awesome kit! It's so much better than building a fort with chairs and blankets. I love that the kids can customize the shape and size of what they are building so they can come up with some pretty interesting forts. Younger kids will definitely need adult assistance, but I'm happy with that since I enjoy anything that involves building things. This is a great value for such a cool kit.
Laura Laura
Super Fun Fort Set!
My five-year-old son absolutely loves this set! I had to help him set it up. We chose the igloo option. Note that you have to position the balls correctly in order to have the right angles (sometimes it took me a few tries to get it right). You will need to add your own blankets or sheets to create the fort. I really like that there are plenty of rods and balls included so you can make a variety of different options. It's also a good value - it would make a nice gift!
Anna Anna
Fun Building
This is read set for my toddler to build her own fort. We laid a bedsheet over it to create a tent. She was so happy. This is made well. And produces a lot of fun.
Ashley Dixon Ashley Dixon
Huge kit
This is an awesome toy. The kids love building things with it. It comes with enough to build something large enough for an adult to fit it. It’s well made too. The only issue I’ve had is that it can be hard for younger kids to get the poles into the balls. They are a tight fit. But it comes with a storage bag that’s large so you don’t have to squeeze everything in.

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